

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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How are you willing to spend your summer vacation?

I'm all grown up and don't get summer vacation.

So, any new life activities?

Both of my sons were born in warmer months, One the end of May, the other mid August. Today we had a joint birthday party for them, with their friends and cakes and pizza.

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How Good do you have to be to be considered a "Good Person"?

There isn't a quantitative value for that. You could be a great person and do one thing someone doens't like and you could never be good in their eyes.

do y’all like ugly acting people obviously if u didnt have an answer don’t answer the question with a bot my problem or sumin like that

I don't like when people act ugly. I don't necessarily dislike them as people though, but if the behavior is frequent enough then I may start to think that that is just part of who they are and I will distance myself from them.

Apa ada anak USU di sini? Mau tanya donk untuk minggu pertama di bulan juli 2018 apa masih jadwal kuliah atau udah UAS? Trus mulai libur semester tgl brpa? Ada kperluan administrasi jd mohon infonya yaa. Tq

Maaf, tapi saya tidak punya jawaban untuk pertanyaan Anda. Saya tidak kuliah dan banyak yang memiliki jadwal berbeda.

Are you from New York?بس عرب

No, and while I've been to the state of New York, I have no real desire to go to the city of the same name. I'm not a fan of high population density areas.

Why do girls talk more than boys?

Do they? I would assume that it's due to, overall, girls having more neural connections between there speech and cognitive centers in their brains than boys do.

How would your friends describe you???

Smart, funny, sometimes a little boring, can come off like a know-it-all. Good listener. A good person to have on either your trivia or tug-o-war teams.

What is the most that calls you the attention of a boy or girl?

I take this to mean what do I notice most or first. A woman's hair, probably. It's one of my identifying shortcuts for recognizing people, and it can say something about a persons attitude and personality.

Swimming pool, river, lake, sea, ocean - where do you prefer to swim?

Actual swimming, in a pool. Playing in the water, I prefer a river. Same for just sitting next to.

What’s the nicest thing a complete stranger has done for you or vice versa?

To be honest, I don't know.

Which is more preferable being nice or being fair?💥

It's better to be fair, but you don't have to be a dick about it.

When eating cereal with milk, do you pour the cereal or milk first?

Cereal first. If you pour the milk first it just floats usually. At least pouring the milk over the cereal get some of it wet.

people ask you questions and you answer truthfully?

Yes. If I don't want to answer a question, I will at least say why I won't answer it. But I only typically respond to actual questions. Just saying "hey" isn't going to get me to say anything.

What's your favorite memory from your childhood?

I don't have a favorite memory from my childhood. There are things I remember, like going fishing, going to amusement parks, or playing in the woods. My childhood was pretty good, so things kinda run together.

Link to a funny video u've watched recently?

I can't think of a funny video I've watched recently.

What's the most expensive thing you have bought?

I financed a house. If you mean in cash, I once bought a car with like $4200 (I think).

Who’s gonna win the World Cup?

April De La Torre
I don't really follow it, but man, Belgium had a blowout today. Not often you see a team score 5 goals at this level. Must not have been much goal tending in that game (they had 2 against them as well).


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