

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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If you could be in a TV show, which one would it be?

Depends on what role I had in it. Generally speaking I don't think I'd want to be in a TV show, but there are exceptions.

Do you have someone you tell everything to?

Not really, but my wife probably gets to hear most of it.

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Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

Depends on the person and the hair.

What has life taught you so far?😎

That it's equally important to be concerned with the well being of others as it is to not give a crap about their feelings.

Is it better to be single or in a couple? Why?

It depends on what you want. I prefer to be coupled, but I was always happy to be by myself.

What do you mean, by unimaginable

That which cannot be imagined. Typically, something that deviates so far from the norm that it's existence was not considered plausible.

What is the best way to tell someone that you love them ??

By saying "I love you" to them. No ambiguity, no confusion, no having to work it out to figure out what you are really trying to say.

What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

Hangin' out with the kids, taking a nap, watching a movie. Probably in that order too.

What current trend is going to look silly in 10 years?

Mens short shorts, bulky eyeglass frames and multi-colored hair on anyone not in high school. Also, probably, radicalism of most kinds.

Are you happy with the amount of information in your head?

Yes, but sometimes I wish it was better organized. I still obtain certain information pretty quickly, but my brain needs a better filing system.

Do u have any tips for first date?

Be clean, don't swear unless you really have to, be yourself and don't lie.

What is the difference between a women's friendship and a men's friendship?

There are a whole lot of things to clarify before I can answer that. Is this to me? Is this to each other? Is this between two men or two women? How old are the people? Are they similar in age or different? Depending on the answers to at LEAST these questions, the final answers can be vastly different.

Where does sadness come from?

Clinically, a deficit of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in your brain. Metaphorically, it comes from the dark well of the void that exists within all of us that we cannot escape, and will eventually consume our very souls.

What's your favorite holiday?

It used to be Christmas, but now it's too hectic. It might be Black Friday (if that's a holiday) because I don't work retail anymore and I am free of both work (my places closes for that Friday) and family obligations (It's not a day when you are expected to visit anyone) on that day.

Where can i find the key to your heart ?

There aren't any keys to my heart. It uses bio-metric locks.

What is the last thing you said to your ex?

Something like "I am really going to try and be in a relationship with her, and she doens't think it's a good idea to keep wanting to do all of these "date" things you want to do with me. I think that as long as I'm with her I'm going to have to stop talking to you altogether. I'm glad you're doing well and I hope that continues. I also hope you understand what I'm saying. If we stop seeing each other I've got your number, but you can expect that if you try and contact me I'm going to ignore it. Goodbye, and I hope the best for you." - or something like that. My last ex and I tried being friends for a bit right after I met my (now) wife, but the ex wanted to go for walks in the park and out to dinner and to the movies and... you see what I'm saying.

What's the best way to celebrate Star Wars Day?

With a movie marathon. Or at least watching your favorite Star Wars movie (which should be Empire Strikes Back)

How often do you draw? What do you like to draw?

Not very often anymore. I always liked to draw landscapes because I'm not good at drawing animate objects.


Language: English