

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What options of universities are you looking for?

One that offers my degree choices, that is accredited, and is free.

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If you were a teacher, what subject would be yours? 📚

Based on my current skill set, I'd teach Information systems. Based on the type of teacher I'd always wanted to be, I'd teach History.

How often do you visit a dentist? Do you know you should do it at least once a year?

I haven't been to a dentist in years because I haven't needed one. I am due to head to one soon however. The ADA recommends every 6 months for visits.

Have you entered book clubs when you first started?... Do you think it's worth it?

Nope. Never joined a book club.

Share a healthy daily habit you have!

For the calendar year 2018 I am exercising for at least 21 minutes a day. My current routine is 5 days weight lifting (about 45-60 minutes a day, M-F) and then cardio on Saturday and Sunday.

What should I do if the vehicle won't turn on again after I turn it off, and the butterfly stays open?

Depends on the engine and why. I assume you are referring to the butterfly valve. They usually stick because they are dirty or worn. If you open up the carburetor you can probably flip it closed manually. I'd take it to a qualified mechanic to fix it properly.

If you could pack up right now and leave, Where would you go?

I wouldn't. I'm right where I want to be right now.

Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?

House, not really. I have found myself on the outside without a key before, but I also know where the spare key is hidden. Twice I have locked myself out of my car while it was still running though and had to get a ride/walk home and get a spare key.

Is there a person that you just talk and hangout with "for the sake of whatever" but your dont really like?


Si te dijera que se acaba el mundo hoy. ¿Qué harías?

Me reiría de ti. Pero si fuera real, lo gastaría con mi esposa y mis hijos si no pudiera hacer nada para detenerlo.

What do you miss the most when you're away from home?

I never really thought about that. I just kind of roll with whatever is happening. I'm not one to really miss things.

What says "autumn" to you? For me, Pumpkin spice Cliff bars, Starbucks, lip balm and assorted cold essentials spell an oncoming fall.

After summer, the first day wearing a jacket, the now obvious change in the color of the leaves, now golden, red and umber, some leave still holding green in the losing battle with the season. A young woman wearing a scarf and warm boots, to me, days too early for it, but there none the less. The crunch of leaves on the ground, the swirl of them behind cars as they drive by. The sun setting too early.

What process is understood as education?

the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university
The theory and practice of teaching
A body of knowledge acquired while being educated
Information about or training in a particular subject

Have you ever sent a message and then immediately regretted it?

Probably, but not because I didn't mean it, but because I didn't want to say it at that time.


Language: English