

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Do you believe in ghosts? No? Neither do I. But I still don't know how I came back.

No, I don't. But sure...

Are you following the news? What are you interested in?

I follow the news all the time. If you mean news wise, I have a variety of interests. In old school terms, I read the entire newspaper (though I just skim the sports section).

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why people thinkless try to do more?

I'm not sure. If you mean why do people act more than they think, it's because thinking is hard and requires more resources than acting (when motivated by baser instincts and feelings).

Have you ever stayed awake for an entire night?

Yes. The longest I've stayed awake was, I believe, like 41 hours.

For what exchange you can refuse using your phone for a week?

I would do it just for the challenge, but I'd need to take a week off of work for it.

Can Zaporozhets develop a speed of 140 km/h?

Maybe if they were filled with cement and dropped out of an airplane.

What is the most important thing in life?

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.

Do you like to watch boxing? What fight was the most interesting?

I like boxing, but I don't like paying to watch it. Because of that, I don't see a lot of boxing. But I think the Mayweather v. McGregor fight was interesting.

Do you ever google yourself?

Not very often. The first few pages of results have nothing to do with me. I share a name with both a movie character and a musician, so I see a lot of those results long before anything about me comes up.

Have you ever heard rumors about yourself? 🗣 Share them!

Nope. I've never heard rumors about myself.

Where can I leave a cat while being on vacation? What animal hotels do you know?

I don't have a cat, but when I did if we were just leaving for a couple of days (3 at most) we'd just put down enough food and water and a clean litter box an the cats were fine. More than that and we'd have a friend or neighbor come over and feed them and change the litter. We never boarded the cats. Cats are more independent and don't need as much socialization as dogs do.

When was the most inappropriate time you bursted out in laughter?

I don't think that's ever happened to me.

Where do you usually check out the weather forecast?

Home screen on my phone (Accuweather app) or I ask my smart assistant (like Cortana, Alexa, Google).

If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

It would depend on what character I get to be. For example, lets say Harry Potter (pick any of the movies). If I'm a muggle, then how is it any different. If I'm a wizard, that's cool, so long as I'm not one that gets killed by a death eater or a dementor or something like that.

What if something scary happened in real life?

Scary stuff happens all the time. So often, most of it doesn't scare me anymore.

What do you feel like so many people don't like you?

If you mean "Why...", then I don't feel that way. I am well liked. If you mean "What do I do if I feel like..." then I'd have to evaluate why I feel that way. I'd also have to realize that it's not super important what others think of me so long as I know I am doing OK by the world.


Language: English