

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What song defines your childhood?

My favorite song as a kid (though it didn't define it) was The Gambler, by Kenny Rogers. I still get a little nostalgic about my childhood when I hear it.

How many siblings do you have?

Less than my wife, and far less than either of my parents (or her parents for that matter).

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How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?

I would like to have a quiet day to myself with nothing to do.

Do you like spicy food?🔥

Yes. I also go through an 8 oz (237 ml) bottle of hot sauce every week, sometimes more.

What recent events have become significant for you?

There hasn't been anything that I'd call "recent" that's all that significant to me. But those are subjective criteria anyway - both "recent" and "significant".

top 3 favorite emojis

I don't really have three favorites. I guess I use a couple more than others, but only because they express a simple idea without words, but they work more like punctuation for me.

What places are good for making new acquaintances?

Anywhere that you can talk to someone. You can get acquainted with someone standing in line at a store if you wanted to.

Which programming language would you like to learn?

Pearl. I'd like to be better a c# too, but I don't have the time for programming.

What attracts you in Japanese culture?

It think the nostalgia for the idealization of ancient Japan that is still revered today within the Japanese culture. The pure honne of the culture in the honne-tatemae divide.

Who had the biggest influence on you as a kid?

That's tough. I don't remember having role models as a kid, but I did have people who's aspects I'd admired enough to try and incorporate into my personality (I refer to them as internal personality archetypes). Most, if not all of them, were fictional.

Is it normal to visit a psychologist at our age? 👩🏼💼 Have you ever visited one?

It is normal to visit a psychologist at any age. I have been to one or two in my life (though, admittedly, never just for me). I also studied psychology in college for a couple of years.

If people wore warning signs, what would be written on yours?

Warning: This person's brain does not turn off and they are more than willing to share their ideas with you. Interact with caution.

What do you think about virtual relationships and feelings?

Depends on what you mean by "virtual relationships". Do you mean with an AI or with an actual person but only interacting virtually? And in the second scenario, do you ever meet in person?

What celebrity in advertising do you remember the most?

Matthew McConaughey is the first one I thought of.

How to properly bring up children?

That's a terribly broad question. There are books about it that can't even cover everything that has to do with that topic.

What’s your usual excuse for skipping doing sports?

I don't want to. I don't think I've ever needed to justify it more than that.

What is something you do every single day?

This year, doing some kind of workout (at least 20 minutes). Otherwise we get down to biological functions (drinking, sleeping, etc).


Language: English