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What is your attitude towards hunting?

I'm not a fan of sport hunting, but I grew up with my extended family sustenance hunting on a regular basis. I still have family that do it, and I live near areas in my state where it it fairly common.

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How the U.S. constitution divides power between the federal and state government?????

The federal government has specific powers granted to it by the constitution on behalf of all states. Those include signing treaties, regulations, national defense, etc. The rest of the powers fall to the states, for things like medical practice, education, interstate commerce, traffic and infrastructure, taxation, etc. There are some areas that overlap (such as both state and federal taxes), but whatever the federal government doesn't do should fall to the states to manage (per the 10th amendment).

Did you ever break a bone or just a dish?

I don't know that I've ever done either. But while I'm sure I've never broken a bone, I am not so certain that I have not broken a dish.

What countries would you like to visit?

I'd visit anywhere, really. I'm not really stoked about going anywhere is particular though.

What do you think - how much time can you live without using internet?

Longer than most people, from a personal perspective. I grew up without it, and I've got a lot of books to catch up on. However, my job requires frequent access, so I'd have to quit or take a sabbatical if I was going to actually do it for any length of time.

What things should you never tell your parents?

Tell you parents everything you think they think they would like to know, and then a little more. There is no rule of thumb for what it's OK to not tell your parents other then that.

What food should you give to cats ??

Cat food. OK, foods made from meat, like chicken, fish and beef. Cats are carnivores.

If an alien offered you a ride in his UFO to his planet, would you go?

It would depend. Can he violate the laws of physics and get me there and back again in my lifetime? If I had no connections (i.e. a wife and kids) yes, I would go. But I do, so not now.

What are your healthy daily habits?

Eat lean protein and veggies at every meal, as well as (so far in 2018) I work out every day. I also stay hydrated (but not overly so).

Do you take any vitamins? How to choose them correctly?

I take a Multi-vitamin 4 days a week and Omega 3 daily. I usually only do it when I'm training, so when I cycle off I'll stop taking them for a while. As for choosing them, I look for vitamins that might be missing form my diet and then add a supplement to make up for it. For example, I don't eat fish, so I take a pill to make up for not having a lot of Omega 3 in my diet. More is not better when it comes to vitamins as some can become toxic at certain levels. For most people though, they aren't really necessary.

The thing is.. Me and my four older siblings have been trying to convince her for years! My 16 year old sister is a dog sitter, and will willingly help take care of a dog. I used to volenteer at a animal shelter, and i think I’m ready. How should I️ try to convince her??

Sophia Tripiccione
If you've honestly been trying for years, then you are definitely have an uphill battle. You have to be able to be persistent in how you approach the topic without making her mad that you bring it up "all the time" because then she's not going to listen to you at all about the dog. I don't know your mom at all, so I couldn't begin to tell you exactly what to say, but making a case based on one of the basic human needs (physiological (food, clothing, shelter), safety/security, love or esteem) is where you can start. Find a need that your mom has and then think of a way that having a dog would help fulfill that need for her that she doens't have already. Like, it won't do you much good to argue that she should have a dog so that she will always have someone around to keep her company because you've already got a full house. This is your best bet at convincing her to get a dog. Good luck with it!

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+1 answer in: “I’m 12 years old and this may seem really stupid.. but I️ really want a dog but my mom says no and it makes me really upset :( all my friends have dogs and I’m such a huge animal lover and it’s really the only thing i want but my mom is a huge nono because I️ have a big fam, 3brothers and one sis.:(”

With whom would you like to share a large pizza?

My family. But if you mean famous person, I'd love to share a pineapple pizza with Gordon Ramsey. LOL


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