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I’m 12 years old and this may seem really stupid.. but I️ really want a dog but my mom says no and it makes me really upset :( all my friends have dogs and I’m such a huge animal lover and it’s really the only thing i want but my mom is a huge nono because I️ have a big fam, 3brothers and one sis.:(

Sophia Tripiccione
Dogs are a lot of work. At 12 years old, what you really are asking for is for your family to get a dog so that you can have it to play with. You aren't going to walk it every day, you aren't going to take it outside at 3 a.m. when it's gotta go pee (or clean up the mess on the carpet when it doesn't wake you up) you aren't going to scoop up it's poop, make sure it has food and clean water, pay it's vet bills or take care of it when it's sick. I'm a dad myself who's had dogs, and I know how it goes. But if you want a dog, stop asking for it for yourself and start trying to convince your mom that SHE wants a dog. That's the only way it's going to work for you.
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What sporting events will you be following in Winter Olympic games?

Most of the skiing events. Maybe some of the snowboarding too. Luge and bobsled are fun, and so is curling. Really, I'd watch just about everything except figure skating (no real interest) and I'm not huge on Olympic Hockey either.

What spot would you like to teleport to?

So do I have the ability to teleport anytime I want to but only to a single location every time, or just one time, teleport to some place? I think home would be my choice. I can spend the time and money to get somewhere, but then get home easily. Getting back isn't often as fun as getting there anyway.

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OK, cool.

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Melissa Mcfall

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