

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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If you had the opportunity to go somewhere and start a new life, where would you go? What job would you have? And how do you imagine your house there?

I'm pretty happy with where I am. BUT, if I was forced to start a new life somewhere and I got to pick, I'd probably go into nature conservancy somewhere in the southwest. I'd live in a middling ranch home with a few acres of land a short drive from a decent size town.

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Guess, what is it: four in the office, and one working?

Obviously this has a specific answer, so just meeting all the criteria isn't enough to get the answer. There is probably some misdirection here with office and working - it's implying but not meaning that the working thing is in the office per se, or the thing working is in the office, or that the office is "an office" but not "an office" (place vs. position)... I don't know what it could be. I can think of plenty of things that cold fit the bill under certain circumstances, but nothing that I think gives the "correct" answer.

Would you rather get a computer virus or the flu?

The flu, but I don't get sick very often. I'd rather be physically ill than have to spend gobbs of time cleaning up a mess caused by some other assholes malicious actions. Just like if rather have the flu than clean up someone elses shit off the side of my house.

What pain is harder for you: physical or spiritual

I don't think I know what spiritual pain is, exactly. I know what physical pain is and I have a high threshold for it.

High heels or sneakers?

While I learned to run in heals as a child, they just aren't comfortable. And with a mens 13 EE shoe size as an adult, it's hard to find heals in my size. So I'll go sneakers.

Taylor Swift or Rihanna?

I'd have to say Taylor Swift. While I don't really listen to either of them, I can at least think of one or two songs by TSwift and I don't know if I'd know a Rihanna song if I heard one (though I've never heard any that I didn't like).

How did you come up with your username?

It's layered. Besides liking many thinks that involve roots (math, computers, trees, etc), the actual name idea came from a one-click root program I tried on my Galaxy Note 4. Once I ran it, it listed the root status success as "skeptical". So I thought, "so...that's a skeptical root?" It didn't work (couldn't bypass the Knox security on the device) in case you were wondering.

Do you believe in aliens?

I'm assuming we're talking extra-terrestrial aliens here. I don't think they are visiting Earth, but I do think they probably exist. It will be cool, but not surprising to me if they ever show up (and don't immediately destroy us all).

Which countries have you visited?

US and Canada, but I've been to about 30 of the 50 US states. I've also almost been to Mexico (I was within 5 miles of the boarder).

Do you judge people based on their knowledge of grammar?

No, but really bad grammar bothers me. I have higher standards for people who speak my language natively than those that learned it later.


Language: English