
Skylar Matterin

Ask @SkyeMatterin_

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Tried roleplaying with you over this whole time even when your posts weren't closed, so that's not the issue. I don't mean to sound offensive but this isn't only you, fcs aren't the problem in general (you can always find the fc with enough gifs)

/ please, by all means be honest. I value honesty and have massive respect for it. I apologise if that’s how it came across, that isn’t my intention. Sometimes I reply quicker to other posts if I have muse than others, and then forget, but that isn’t an excuse my mind is just elsewhere. I have noticed however that I am missing post notifications now that my walls are closed, so, if you have recently posted me and I skipped over it then this has got something to do with it. How about I correct this? If you link me your page or come off anon, I’ll be sure to post you once I’m on my laptop which hopefully will be soon.
I agree, there are still a wide source of faceclaims, however as I said, there has to be some element of understanding that people are naturally drawn to popular faceclaims. It’s very well that they’re being used, but I don’t think it’s fair to keep a faceclaim without any intention to use them unless people show interest. After the closing of HA and the admin, this has become a open world place for anyone to join at any point. It lacks rules and law and order now, which makes things difficult. We have to treat the place more like a democracy, which is why everyone’s opinion is valid despite contrasting and controversial opinions. I think if we all come off anon and state our views on the situation, it would be good because at least that way we can come to some understand of where everyone stands and whose on whose page. This faceclaim thing is a blip in the timeline, and once we figure out a solution, we’ll all be back on track. Personally, I think that ask is the easiest part of roleplaying – you get to explore your character, interact with others, etc – it’s fun, not mandatory, but fun. The roleplaying is the harder part, the time consuming section. It would be nice for people to post on ask at least once a week, as if to say “hi, I’m here, still using the character” even if it’s one or two questions. I understand not wanting to share faceclaims, but we also have to understand that some people feel differently and in order to come to some mutual understanding we need to meet each other halfway – to lack selfishness and in effect give up some things that we otherwise wouldn’t want to. I know this isn’t what some people want to hear, I totally get that and respect it, but we also need to take on board other people’s opinions and thoughts with the same amount of respect that we hold for those who agree with our own points.

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Tried roleplaying with you over this whole time even when your posts werent
+3 answers in: “How do you feel about inactive chars? Do you want the poll that will decide for how long someone can stay inactive without leaving the note?”

You're saying that like you would be active anyway. Posted on your chars through time and you never respond unless it's certain admin Roman, Tommen or Harry.

/ actually, correction, I roleplay with plenty of other people not just roman, Tommen and Harry. I have various other roleplays going – not so much on Chloe considering I lack muse for her. I probably just missed your post, since both my walls are hidden since I’m more comfortable roleplaying like that ( insecurities and stuff ). If you come off anon and tell me who you are, I’ll sincerely apologise and be sure to post you asap. I’m not saying I’m 100% active as I struggle myself to keep active due to muse and because I’m currently in my second , and final, year of college when exams are coming up so I deem that more important. But please, by all means, since you don’t agree with my point and/or with me, feel fully free to come off anon and message me :’) anon is great and all, but I think that if we want to have a serious convo about this, it would be more personal and helpful if we are both forward with who we are and lay all our cards on the table. :’) I’m more than willing to roleplay with anyone if we come up with a plot. Speaking of, I also apologise to all my replies which I have yet to reply to, I’m busy as shit at the moment because of my deadlines and endless amounts of essays, but I’m hoping to get on top of it by this weekend! :’)

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Youre saying that like you would be active anyway Posted on your chars through
+3 answers in: “How do you feel about inactive chars? Do you want the poll that will decide for how long someone can stay inactive without leaving the note?”

I vote for Chloe. I want to see her pretty face around here.

Karina Winters
/ you’re a gem, thanks for helping. Like I said to nonnie a second ago, Chloe is definitely a top choice at the moment especially now that two people have shown interest , but I just gotta be 100% sure with who I settle using because i know Chloe was being used a while ago, and I can be mega indecisive. ;D
I vote for Chloe I want to see her pretty face around here
+3 answers in: “/ help is needed, so please help.”

Related users

1. Writing any OC? 2. What's the last OC you've made? 3. Do you need anyone to make an OC for you? If yes, tell us about it. ( if you don't get this question, you can resend it to yourself! )

/ I wrote a character using Carlson Young, which I still have but I hate the bio, so I’m thinking of either rewriting it and keeping Carlson, or ditching it and rewriting it to make a Maeve Wiley ( gif below ) type of character because I watched Sex Education which was great. It’s that or I might give up and make another character or get opinions from other people. Honestly I don’t even know, I’m probably too busy to keep it up but oh well ;D
1 Writing any OC
2 Whats the last OC youve made
3 Do you need anyone to make an

Lyrics of the day?

“I remember that time that you told me, you said
"Love is touching souls"
Surely you touched mine 'cause
Part of you pours out of me
In these lines from time to time
Oh you are in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter
And so sweet oh
I could drink a case of you darling
Still I'd be on my feet
I would still be on my feet.”
Lyrics of the day
+1 answer Read more

Harry, Mavis, Nicole, Tommen, Harper, Louis S and Louis H

Harry seems to have like a solid five girls wrapped around his finger at the moment, so he basically has pick of the bunch. So one of them?
Already done her.
Nicole has a boyfriend, doesn’t she?
Tommen’s already been paired with himself, he hardly needs anymore limelight.
Pretty sure I already called dibs on Harper, so, me?
No clue who the Louis’ are but since their names are already matching, why don’t we just match them together?
Harry Mavis Nicole Tommen Harper Louis S and Louis H
+2 answers in: “Match the person nonnie sends you with someone else”

Tommen , Lucy , Olivia , Mavis , Andrew

I’ll pair Tommen with himself since it’s the only person he actually cares about.
Lucy’s got a crush on that demon, right? Or is she still denying that?
Fuck knows who Olivia is.
Well, a class of gin and tonic always brought out the best in Mavis, so let’s go with that.
And no idea who Andrew is.
Tommen  Lucy  Olivia  Mavis  Andrew
+2 answers in: “Match the person nonnie sends you with someone else”

Maybe try Leighton for a week and if you like her, keep her and if not you can always go back to Liz, we all know that you’re not sure and none of us would take her from you.

/ I think that’s what I’ll try to do. I’ll think it over and speak about it with people who’re involved with Skye, see if they’re all chill with it and then decide if I’ll do the week trial. Thank you so much for being so understanding. I know I’m being a pain by being so indecisive over it but I really appreciate you ( and everyone else ) being so patient. Thank you, again. :’)
Maybe try Leighton for a week and if you like her keep her and if not you can
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”

I disagree,the nonnie probably hasn't watched anything other than Victorious with Liz in it. She is an amazing actress with a lot of depth and her performance in Dynasty is amazing, and she fits Sky so well, she embodies her entirely. But, it is your character and I'll respect your choice anyway (':

/ I totally get where you’re coming from, this is my dilemma. Both are incredible actresses and so stunning. Obviously Skylar was written with Liz as the target faceclaim, but I’m just not a hundred percent sure if she is totally the right fit yet. I honestly just don’t know. Before Skylar turned and met Tommen, she was very innocent. Her older sister who she looked up to died when she was young, and that heartache made her pretty vulnerable. She did exceptionally well at school and was really bright. She followed the rules, made things easy for her parents as she knew they had been through enough already. Then she got diagnosed with the cancer and that was a whole uphill battle she lost. And after that, she got turned – losing her old self and the rest of her family. Tommen kind of got rid of the innocence, drew out a darker side of her, a more bitchy and vindictive side of her. She got pretty careless, gives little care for innocent lives and stuff, but still had her vulnerable side. She’s at times petty, jealous, immature and can switch from extreme to extreme. This is just a brief explanation, but I need someone to fit that basically and the only two I feel would suit my vision of Skylar is Leighton and Liz. Any help or opinions would be so appreciated. ;’)

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I disagreethe nonnie probably hasnt watched anything other than Victorious with
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”

Personally I think if you wanna use Leighton you should do it and not give a damn about what others will think about it.

/ honestly I’d love to, she has loads of gifs and shit, and the whole vindictive side of Blair reminds me of Skylar but I don’t want to cause unnecessary drama because of it. I like being unproblematic. But thank you, seriously, you’ve given me more of a reason to consider it.
Personally I think if you wanna use Leighton you should do it and not give a
+5 answers in: “You should use Leighton Meester for Skylar !”


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