
Skylar Matterin

Ask @SkyeMatterin_

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Roman or Tommen, ic and ooc

/ (repost because I made too many mistakes)
most of you probably won’t read this but apologies for the rant;
Could I please just develop my character without /everything/ being based off of who she’s getting with or whatnot? I love both of them, simple as that. The admins portray both of the characters amazingly and I feel totally honoured to be able to roleplay with either of them. Skylar is single. She’s a complexed character that has gone through a lot of hurt, firstly with her older sister dying, then the cancer, then Tommen leaving her. She’s been betrayed by people she never expected to hurt her, and because of that she has commitment issues and problems with opening up, or at least that’s how I want to play her. Both Tommen and Roman play a significant role in her development, and yes she slept with Roman, but she’s not one to jump into a relationship, she’s messy and makes many, /many/ mistakes. I want her to be single and to focus on herself before actually getting involved with someone in a romantic relationship. As I think it would be a huge mistake on my behalf if she got into a relationship straight away which is why she basically said no to Roman when he asked her. I want to develop my character and avoid past mistakes. So, if I feel like her kissing Tommen would help with development then that’s what I will do, if I feel like her being with Roman will help with development then I’ll do that, if I want her to hook up with random strangers that she meets in bars and then kills them then that’s what I’m going to do. I don’t want to tie her down, she’s not the kind of girl that would do that, and I don’t want to play her as someone that ignores all of her past and suddenly jumps into a relationship because it’s not realistic whatsoever. I refuse to pick between them because she doesn’t know what she wants, and nor do I. I, as an admin, don’t think it would be fair to start choosing her fate when even I don’t know what I want her future to be. Skylar is a fuck up, simple as that, and I want to explore the side of her that continuously makes mistakes and tries to learn from them by making others. Please just bare with me, I’m trying to develop her properly without messing things up - I don’t want her tied down to one person at the moment, or forced into a relationship. So, with that being said if any of the admins, Roman or Tommen, have an issue with this then I’m completely fine with them messaging me if they want to; or anyone else for that matter. I hope this is okay and I haven’t upset anyone, she just isn’t in the right frame of mind to stick to one person especially now that her past is making an appearance. Sorry for the rant, I hope this makes sense; I just don’t want to close any doors for her yet, especially if it means ruining the development I want for her. I love Skylar and I want to do her justice. :’) thanks for reading.

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Roman or Tommen ic and ooc

What's happened to Skylar and Roman?

/ is it okay if I say I don't know? Because, I seriously don't. I mean they have a post, and whatnot, but I suppose you could say that Skylar is ultimately pushing him away - completely. She cares about him, deeply, which was something that she never thought she'd go through again especially since she'd settled with the fact that she was going to be alone for eternity; or at least that was her mind set until he managed to get her to give a shit about him. They're arguing at the moment, whilst Skylar does her usual of walking off once she's said the last word, which in this case had something to do with her threatening to kill him, even though she knows she couldn't do it. I think she's being bitter really, perhaps it's because she isn't getting the reaction out of him which she is used to. However, other than that, I honestly don't know what's happened with them or what's going to happen with them. I hope this answer satisfies you, if not then I'm really sorry I can't offer anything more. :')

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Whats happened to Skylar and Roman

Clearly there's an anon today that has a lot of issues to work through and he's taking it out on the wrong people. Don't be bothered by it, I personally love Skylar and thanks for being here.

/ I literally never saw this until now, but anyway; at this point, 'issue' is an understatement. It's completely unnecessary for that anon to target multiple different people for literally no reason other than the fact that they don't agree with other people's choices, which if that's the case then I'm embarrassed for them. Thank you for saying that though, it means a lot. I adore playing Skylar, and I want to develop her plot completely. It's kind of a lose-lose situation really when it comes to ships and relationships, if you put your character in a relationship the anons have an issue with it, and if they remain single and develop sexual relationships with other characters then that's a huge issue as well. But, oh well. It means a lot that you love Skylar, I'm honoured to be here and playing her.

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Clearly theres an anon today that has a lot of issues to work through and hes

Any plots you have planned for your character?

/ yeah, I have a few. I definitely want to focus a lot on her coming to terms with her past, the whole cancer thing, the death of her sister, as well as her realising that not /everyone/ that enters her life is going to leave her. I also want her to find out that Tommen was the reason she got placed into the asylum, because I know that there’s going to be fireworks because of that. Then obviously just miniature interactions with different characters that I want to use in order to develop her and the way she acts towards people, and to teach her that it’s okay to open up more to people; she doesn’t always have to protect herself and fear getting hurt, which will then lead to her being able to get past her inability to commit to things. Just things like that really, I just want my girl happy.

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Any plots you have planned for your character

OOC what would you say are the chances for Tommen and Skylar to be an actual couple?

/ an actual relationship? At the moment, the chance is probably slim because of the sheer fact that neither of them appear to really be ready for that kind of commitment. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I really love them but I don’t think Skylar would settle down yet. I think if they were to become “official” i predict it would be really on-again-off-again as they both try to find their footing in the relationship and adapt to what life is like when you’re actually /with/ someone. Once they past that obstacle of getting used to the dynamic I think they’d be able to settle and ultimately be happy. I mean, maybe ask Tommen’s admin? because I’m pretty incapable of giving you a straight forward answer, so, maybe they would be able to give you something better? But, at the moment I think it’s slim just because the two of them don’t seem to be at that stage yet, besides, Skylar still has yet to find out that he traded her freedom for his own, which will inevitably cause fireworks.

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OOC what would you say are the chances for Tommen and Skylar to be an actual

Song/lyrics of the day?

“To be young and in love in New York City
To not know who I am but still know I’m good
Long as you’re here with me
To be drunk and in love in New York City
Midnight into morning coffee
Burning through the hours talking
Damn I like me better when I’m with you
I like me better when I’m with you
I knew from the first time
I’d stay for a long time ‘cause
I like me better when
I like me better when I’m with you.”
Songlyrics of the day


Language: English