
Skylar Matterin

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I meet really good people and really great writers and I think that this whole fc drama should stop right now, or we are about to lose everything we have.

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/ firstly thank you for sending this — everyone communicating is the best way for us to deal with this, especially off anon which I highly respect. In my opinion, I think that the fact we’re sitting on a fence somewhere between a group and freeverse is half the issue. A group tends to have rules, limitations, and ‘law and order’ for people to follow so things don’t get out of control. Freeverse is based solely around freedom to do whatever we want when we want, which this place doesn’t have due to the group aspect and having to think about others feelings. This place has been a roleplay home to me for a while now, as a lot of you can relate to, and it would be heartbreaking for it to fall apart ( especially for those who saw the collapse the first time around ). The whole faceclaim thing is bullshit, to be honest. Can’t people just be content with the characters they have? If you’re so desperate for a certain faceclaim so much so you might die without it, then go make the character elsewhere? Or make the character and roleplay with people from here but just don’t be apart of the HA universe. Like we all need to meet each other halfway, otherwise it’s gonna lead from one massive fuck up to the other. I agree that there are good and incredible people here, which I have had the privilege of meeting, but those same people are also sick of the drama. This whole thing is nothing but a headache and I think we need to just get over it and stick to the characters we have and the free faceclaims. I think as well we need to determine a set of lines we don’t cross like more than 2 of the same faceclaim, only take free ones unless asked, you can interact with people outside of HA, blah blah. Stuff like that? I guess it just depends on how important this place is to people. But we’re a community, this is a group effort and we all need to work together otherwise this place isn’t going to work, and we’ll only have ourselves to blame.

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I meet really good people and really great writers and I think that this whole
+13 answers in: “After 2 months fc would be free for grabs, after 4 months of inactivity on ask admin lose the right on the fc ONLY IF someone else grabbed their fc and can only have the fc back if the new owner wants to share. What do you think? Want poll?”

Are Harry and Chloe officially together? His roleplay with Clarisse looked suspicious a while back

/ well, this is news to me, I had no idea about that but Harry’s admin said that he wanted them to happen. They aren’t officially official as we haven’t roleplayed that, but making them official was part of the plan. Man honestly I don’t know, I trust his admin and what they’ve told me they wanted ( not that I don’t trust you! ) I like to think that if Harry’s admin changed their mind, they’d let me know or talk it through with me. I want people to be happy with their characters and the storylines they play, even if I’m involved or rooting for a specific thing, my main priority is that everyone is happy with things that are happening – otherwise it ain’t fun for anyone.
Are Harry and Chloe officially together His roleplay with Clarisse looked
+4 answers in: “Check nonnie's ask if you want to participate in the event!”

Sorry! Do you have any other characters that can participate, darling? x'D

/ hiya, lovelyy. As much as I reeeally am eager to participate, I’m afraid I don’t. Thank you anyway, though. ;D Just wanna say, this whole event idea thing is perfect and I think you’re honeslty such a sweetheart for doing all this and I’m super appreciative of it not to mention insaneeely excited for what’s to come.
Sorry Do you have any other characters that can participate darling xD
+4 answers in: “Check nonnie's ask if you want to participate in the event!”


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