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Ask @Someone28149108

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How do you handle stress??? OR stress handle's you???

I don't get stressed, I get upset which sounds the same but its not

Many professors can't explain whether soul exists as such, and if it exists, then what is it and where is it located. Do you think there is soul and if so, where is it located?


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Somehow, my lower mats are overdeveloped, resulting in a horizontal oval rather than a v taper. When I do a lat spread, the lower Lars really pop out, but they don’t connect with my shoulder. What can I do to fix this?

I wish I knew what to do

Attention to all who may not be aware. But this is an ASK app. You ask questions. It it's not inappropriate, why be rude to someone using the app for what it's for? What's the need to respond so bland or with an "idc". Why do you even have this app if that is the case? It's not that hard to be nice.


لايمكنك مقارنه الأحزان ببعضها لكل شخص ألمه الخاص لكل شخص طريقته في التعامل مع مايشعر به .


allah_algafor ادخلو عالصفحة بالانستا والكل يسوي ابلاغ عليها .. بنت ملحدة بتكفر وبتتمسخر عالاسلام

Seba Soliman

So on my samsung Galaxy s7 edge for some reason the youtube icons for like the like, dislike, etc buttons are like now always on my screen even when I go to different apps can someone please explain how to get rid of it.

Seems kind of odd but I got no solutions to that

I’m not one of those bots so let’s be online friends if you want to..

thespookywitch’s Profile PhotoRonnie
Kinda getting skeptical here because I know bots ask questions like this from real people accounts so if this ain't that situation then say the date of next week
Liked by: Ronnie
+2 answers Read more

Is it okay if I flirt with multiple people online because I'm interested in all of them?

I mean unless you consider yourself "polyamorous" which is, for some reason, special then that would not be recommended

Everyone on hear I apologize for any goofy thing I’ve done. I just misunderstood, I have good intentions for you all.

What did you do?

Anyone with cats! Serious question... Is getting a male and female cat fixed, a good thing to do... Like will that hurt their health? The vet will obviously say it's fine.

I got three and I am not sure if its fine tbh.

Hey guys.. I made an Instagram account as your match-maker. Who would help you to confess a feeling for your crush… So don’t be shy follow me and dm me 🤗 My username: themishkami

Nah I ain't got one but thanks


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