

Ask @SophieTapson

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opinions on Nick Bird, Sam Easter, Dan Jeffries and Luke Mcpherson

Nick : I love himm, best friend !! our singing at the sixth form spectacular. so funny xxxxx
Sam: in my maths !alright kid, dont really talk tbh but i have to like jump over his chair to get to mine woo xx
Dan: rita ora yooo, so funny in maths, xxxx
Luke: Nawh, so cute, vampire, bradderz xxxx

sophie lines on, all the girls who r thereee

Phoebe - so funny! Pretty One of my closest friends, so nice
Lily - hilarious, great singer, pretty, one of my closest friends
Ciera - sooo stunning, so funny, nicest girl, got alot closer x
Elena - so pretty, shes in love with her dog ;) her mums so nice, close friends
Liked by: Lily Angel Niblett

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What are you getting for christmas?

omg, i was so stuck this year :S cause like, before i've asked for laptop, ipad, phone, wii, etc aha, but i've got that now:S so just small stuff like dvd's, cd's, money so i can get ghd's and stuff, but errm idk, also i'm getting a blackberry around christmas from repairs, but i don't know i was so stuck

Name one girl at the Weald for each one: Nicest hair? Funniest? Best looking? Fastest? Best personality? Worst personality? Smartest?

Nicest Hair: Hmm, Wallis Fordery/Charlotte Storey/Millie Finch/Leah Denyer/Lucy Elliot/ Freya Sinclair
Funniest: Lily/Phoebe/Jas
Best looking: Ciera/Wallis/Lauryn/Lily
Fastest: Ellie Falloon/Wallis
Best Personality: Elena Cawdell/Lily/Ciera
Worst Personality: Harshh
Smartest: I don't know... Lea Pritchard
Liked by: Wallis

What’s wrong with the world?

bullying, judgmental people, war, poverty, hunger, rape, murder, cancer, loads of things

Too many bitches?!!!! What the actual fuck! You are the bitches

if you say so babe , not entirely sure why though, if you care to explain how we are 'the bitches' xxxxxxxxx
PS our answer was gonna be the price of chocolate, but we thought our answer was more apt 4 u xoxox

you all act to much older than you are! god knows what you will turn out like in the future

oh go away! it's not like we're downing down bottles of vodka and a gallon of beer, nor are we smoking, or doing any form of drugs, so not sure how we could be 'act to much older than you are', because all you're judging on is the question titles we get, so leave it out before you actually know what's happening, thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Name one guy at the Weald for each one: Nicest hair? Funniest? Best looking? Strongest? Best personality? Worst personality? Smartest?

Nicest Hair: Alfie
Funniest: Nick
Best looking: Michael or Alfie or Max, Oliie is ok
Strongest: Jake or Ollie
Best personality: Luke Something
Worst personality: Hmm idk, don't really wanna say on here
Smartest: Samuel/Patrick

vr, likes and dislikesss on joe j, michael a, ben r,

sorrry at home now ahah, but ill do it anyway
joe - nice guyy! so funny, tank, so frickin tall, used to be on same bus, maths, annoying sometimes
michael - alright sometimes, sweet when he wants to be, can be twofacedd
ben - loves lily


Language: English