

Ask @SophieTapson

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Match These boys with girls Josh world Ben Rolfe Ethan Ayres Billy Worsfold Tate Edgar

Fine urgh
Josh - Ciera D
Ben - Mollie D
Ethan - Lily N
Billy - Emily
Tate - Lily N again

People in year 8 that you dont really know who are pretty but dont really get noticed??

lucy thomas, grace thornely, cara clitheroe, ella bargman, charlotte storey, sophie collar, erm yeaah
i do know these people but they don't get noticed for their prettiness that much

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Oh and by the way, just to make it clear I dont fancy Jade ok.

Wow, of course, no one would figure it out, it's not like you just posted this, off anonymous, to the whole population who are on ask.fm?

hilar m8.

i know i thought of that myself i found it hilarious
reply on facebook as you started it being a gayboy

How have you got closer to nathan and keiran?

nathannn - we used to talk loaaads but we hadnt talked for weeeks and weve talked loadss so far
kieran - i thought he hatedd me but apara he doesnt so i think thats getting closrrr oxox

Fittest Boy, Fittest Girl, Funniest Person, Grumpiest Person, Meanest Person, Flirtiest Person.

1. joe michael or alfie idk, 2. not a lesbooo, 3. lily jas phoebe emily wallis ollie james federico nick jake michael idk, 4. we all have our days, 5. ditto, 6. i dont know. freya or lucy probss

'Whos Gideon' 'my babe' NO yours and Emily's babe, get it right ;)

Well hmm, guess so, he's ma number 1 though :S

boys uve gotton closer to recently

Ah your spelling makes me want to diee omfg. Buttt; nathan munroe, kieran gray, harry lloyd, aaron linfield, ollie heasman ish, urrr idk, jakey a bit, federicos stopped saying stuff so that's a plus(y) idk anymore


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