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Opinions on phoebe Kirkland, molly mclaughin,Emily klien, Josie Paine

phoebe is so pretty, makes me laugh and cheers me up
molly is so sweet, so cute and takes the best photos
emily is hot
josie is so pretty, her personality is amazing x

omg youre not 13 fucking hell youre gorgeus now i feel really guilty cos i said you look really older than you are xx

Ahh I am ehe! Aw thank you so much, no its fine its more of a compliment!! xx

I've asked a few questions on the advice page tonight,and its helped me a little bit! You give the best advice,all of you,thank you for everything,means everything to me!<3

Aw, so glad we helped!!<3 ily xxxxxxx

hoow old are you i bet you are 19 beecause if youre 16 your very pretty because you look young keep up the good advice andf remember you hvave fans xxxxxxxxxxxx

Aw no I'm 13 ehe! But thank you so much <3<3

I have seen you on Emily's advice page,although I have never asked any questions you give amazing advice<3

Aw thank you so much!! I try my best, I just love giving advice and I hope people really feel like they can trust us and be helped by us :) <3

Is it normal that I can almost fit 5 fingers in when I masturbate?:/and I also started to bleed when I was doing it,kinda worried..x

I do answer some advice on here, but please use questions like this on here;
www.ask.fm/emilycannxo as this is my personal account x

Hi can I talk to you about my ocd ive had it 4/5 years and if people want advice they can talk to me

Of course, but you're on anonymous x

whats your biggest OCD?

Sometimes when I hit something with one finger I have to hit it with all fingers, if I like itch one side of my face I have to do the same to the other, ah it's weird idk


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