

Ask @SophieTapson

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10 people u wanna get closer to in year 8 :) ?xxxx

err anyone i guessss, but likee
ella l, nice to get closerr
josie rowsell seems sweet and grace gale?
dunno tbf people ive got less close to

Did Molly smith start the slut list in year 11?

why does everyone keep going on about molly smith and a slut list?
there's like nothing to prove they're sluts tbh
and there's two molly smiths so idk m8

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Opinions on emily k, ella b, mollie d, freya s, ciera d, keira c, lauryn p ect

Emily- so funny omfg, a lad, so pretty
Ella - stunning! Form opposite mine, so kind
Mollie- so funny, my apple, stunner
Freya- one of my best friends, love her so much, she's a sket
Ciera - today and tomorrow woo!! So gorgeous :O soo sweet and gay and ugly aww
Keira- stunning, so funny OMG, really nice
Lauryn- her hair is so nice, really sweet, Camden!! So pretty omgg
Er , etc?

Opinions on Becca graville?

jokes xxxxxxx
stunner omg, that day round freyas, shes so sweett! awhh, love her hair, her and joshh are so cute! see her round school alott, yehh x


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