

Ask @SophieTapson

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:O you're so orange is your mum a cheese puff ;) jks ily your mum

she actually hates you idk why but i did tell her that you ate all me cheese balls :/

opinions on jade, jemima, charlotte, beth, mollie d, and a potato

jade - forms so funny, shes stunning! nice girl and really smart x
jemima- fierce;) quite close, really nice! so funny, so skinny:o amazing x
charlotte- german! i love her hair, her house is so nice, ewan;) x
beth - form, shes so funny, love her hair
mollie - love her! really close, cheers me up so funny
potato- love her, think we're gonna get married x

Opinions Lucy h, wallis f, Freya, joe j,Ollie h, Simon p ! Xoxoxi

Lucy - she's a babe, soo nice, funny, old school! Quite close, maths with her, stunner , slaag;) her and joe are so cute aw, her mums so nice and her sister is soo cute xx
Wallis - my best friend , I hate her
Freya - my best friend, I hate her
Joe - cute with Lucy, used to get on same bus, so funny, good at rugby, good looking x
Ollie - cute with wallis, facetimes, close in France, science is funny, alright looking
Simon- same nursery, brothers in form alright looking going out with Freya quite nice our Skypes x
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