
Stephen Ind

Do you think women are confusing? i do, they say one thing and then do another ugh! I am tempted to turn to men for love. (I am a guy btw)

It is a very difficult time it seems for relationships between men and women.
I think women are confusing to men as we are to them I am sure but this should not turn us away from them but we should rather try to understand them. I wonder if part of this confusion between men and women is not what we are continually told by the media which then becomes a reality.
Women are also very different. There are women who seem more like men and are not so emotionally complex. Perhaps you should try to develop a relationship with a woman like that.
I think it would be very good to develop friendships with men but you are looking for romantic love in the wrong place if you look there.
Key to all friendships is drawing close to God who made us all.

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deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
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👀👀👀 Remember the rule about not attempting to climb into the oven! 👀👀👀

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Oh dear revenge of the 6th is here now! 😊😊😊

“Think of the rivers of bl00d spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the m0mentary masters of a fraction of a dot.” — Carl Sagan

The battle for the human soul is the real battle.

Language: English