
Stephen Ind

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Latest answers from Stephen Ind

I work in Five Nights At Freddy's, we make delicious pizza🐻

I don't even really know "Five Nights at Freddy's." I think it is a computer game.

Is a fly without its wings called a walk?

I think chicken feet are called "walky talkies." (No future in a fly legs dish, though, even if called "fly-y byies.")

2070 and 2100 wont belong to Biden, trump or Harris, probably the children of those who voted for them, I can sleep easy because of this fact?

Why do all politicians not defend the life of children in the womb! So many children today in America are killed by their parents! It is an outrage! Lord have mercy on us! Christ have mercy on us! Lord have mercy on us!

nephilim - bigger than an elephant or the size of an elephant?

I think that angels do not occupy space as they are pure spirits.

I lost track of time reading a book, where did the time go? did the clock take it?

Great that you got lost in a book! That time is not wasted to be sure.

You understand that you are preaching to the choir, right?! Are you?

Very few people seem to agree with me so I don't see how that might be.

a Nigerian prince told me I need to buy him itunes and apple gift cards to help him build a navy to help the Philippines with fight the china

Yikes! I wish everyone success against Chinese aggression!

1) Redemption is changing the way you do things and your heart. Some people use religion to say they're good but the person doesn't change themselves, they just say. 2) Redemption and change? Or, some finding religion bears no meaning, bro?

I associate redemption with what Christ has done for us, making it possible for us to get to heaven, and salvation as our response to this. Salvation certainly requires repentance, a rejection of all that is evil and action to pursue what is good.
How does this sound to you?

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