
Stephen Ind

Hello Stephen if you need anything I'll be going to church today

Very good to hear that you went to church on Sunday (I am guessing). Many, many prayers and blessings to you! 🙏🙏🙏

Latest answers from Stephen Ind

Bored af help

I am sure you mean absolutely no offence but language please!
Difficult to know what might interest you while not knowing you.
Why does one become bored? It seems to me that it is because we think there is nothing worthwhile which we can do. The greatest thing we can do is pray. So why not try speaking to God? God bless!

did you ever grow a garden?

I have gardened for my parents and looked after their vegetable patch during this time too and am presently doing a bit of gardening for my parents again.

any new video game in video store?

Sorry I am still playing Weapon Fighting Simulator on Roblox and am don't think I might be able to even play the new games on my hardware. Also I have not bought games for really quite a long time.

is it true in communist countries you're assigned a job? I thought in reality, you can pick jobs there as anywhere else, it's just you make the same as everyone else.

I have heard a story of children simply being assigned a career under Communism with no concern for their talents or interests! I am not sure how true this is.

did you know ground beef is also called mince in other parts of Atlantis?

I have never really thought of ground beef is though I have heard the term before.

Language: English