
Stephen Ind

Latest answers from Stephen Ind

What would you last say to your killer in order to mess with their head forever?

Hopefully, "I forgive you." It will be good for my soul and might help them to repent and reach heaven.

But the thing is sometimes it is best to let go and hand them towards their own fate. Isn't it the worst fate?

It is a frightening thought that there might come a time whenmGod stops correcting us if we are determined to disobey him!

Cain and Abel, nephilim, Satan getting kicked out, and the ark are all stories I think I heard before, but now since we don't teach anything religion related, these stories wont even be known.. unless seeked out. Did I miss a story that is important? do you know these, are they important to you?

I do not know much about the Nephilim.
There are so many other important stories or events, like the creation of man, the fall of man, God's covenant with Abraham, the exodus of the Jews from Egypt with the calling of Moses by the Burning Bush, Moses' rescue as a child, the plauges, the crossing of the Red Sea, the manna in the desert and so many, many more leading up to the coming of Christ and the founding of his Church and so many important events since then to this very day.
Thanks be to God for his continual care for us.

Do you ever feel bad or experience remorse when you hurt someone or are you a psychopath?!

Thankfully I do feel remorse when I have hurt someone!

in theory higher welfare spending/funding helps people: an imaginary 9 million are on welfare while 30 million work, so aftersome time the welfare 9 million still didn't work and the working decreased to 28 million with + 2 million extras moving unto welfare. I guess that's success lol.

Work is good for us so it would have been better if more people had found work rather rthan more moving onto welfare.

(Happy Teacher's day !!) Who was your favourite teacher? What made them your favourite? 🏫🎒

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I think I would choose Mrs Oettle my grade 4 class teacher. She was an incredibly motivated teacher. She love nature and was so enthusiatic to share her excitement in the subject with her students. She loved and respected each student that she taught.

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Batman is a hero the city needed but didn't deserve, and joker is a better class of criminal in this city compared to those other minted,top-echelon ones I suppose ! wait why am I watching a movie, I should be outside roasting like a hot dog on a 38c hot summer day's grill !!!? (AC not included)

A movie with AC sounds like the best option.

My armies of BLT (bacon lettuce tomato)-armed with only pickle spears, traversed half the continent of Sandwich bread, until they ended up in the middle, we even passed Mayonnaise mountains. They've somehow mustard up the courage!


shout-out: "Do you eat cabbage if so what kind of meat do you put in it?" is this question meaning to ask: what kind foods have cabbage and meat ingredients (German ones perhaps?); or is it meaning: do you like hot dogs and sauerkraut (perpetually on/in a bun) together? :P 😋🌭

Sauerkraut on a hotdog sounds good.
I recall eating a dish with meat wrapped in cabbage leaves. Can't recall what meat it was, perhaps minced beef. It was very good.

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