
Syed Hamza Bin Faisal

Ask @SyedHamzaBinFaisal

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What is the craziest thing you've done in public?

France and it's administration needs to understand that there is a fine line between "Freedom of Speech" and "Hate speech". This absurd behaviour speaks out for itself, one needs to understand that you can't hurt the sentiments of more than a billion people and justify it by using "Freedom of speech" as the base expression. That is simply targeting a minority within your own border and provoking more than a billion individuals worldwide. As holocaust is hurtful to the jews, these actions are more hurtful to the Muslims therefore, a formal apology and a ban on mocking any religious personality should be placed with immediate action world wide.❎❎❎

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Lifes fucked up what do i do?

A lot of girls complain that guys walk away from them simply because they refused giving them Sex, Some have even turned into Sex toys just to keep their man
Let me be very open here.......
Sex might not be the reason these guys walk away!
Remove sex from a relationship and see that most girls don't have anything else to offer their man!
Aside Sex,what do you have to offer to a man?
Can you support him Spiritually???
Can you Support him Physically/Financially??????
How about Mentally????
All you do is Demand Money ???for Bags??, Shoes,phones??, Clothes???, and Outings?
Making him spend unnecessarily
What are you even bringing to the table???
Have you ever sat him down and helped him plan ?about his future???
Try to be a Woman that a man will Always regret losing for the rest of his Life ✌?
Be that woman that your man can never afford to lose to another man!
Build your man to your Taste and stop looking for a ready made husband when you are not a ready made Wife...
Thank you

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What would be the most useless superpower?

Pakistan is the 4th biggest country in the world providing freelancing services.
Millions of Pakistanis are earning dollars while working from the comfort of their homes!
My BLUNT SHOUT OUT to all degree holder unemployed people is:
Die for 6 months!!
Disappear for 6 months!
Become Missing Person for 6 months!
Go underground for 6 months!
Learn those practical skills that world needs. Invest 6 months on your learning. Money will chase you like shadow.
Now you may ask me which skills are in high demand. Read the following list carefully.
1. Video Editing:
Customers are searching video editors all the time. Become professional video editor. Practice video editing for a few months. Sell your skills on freelancing sites and earn dollars.
2. Graphic Designing (Photoshop) :
Every business needs services of graphic designers. Practice Photoshop for a few months and sell your skills to the world at freelancing sites.
3. QuickBooks
It is 25 days online course but practice for a few months. Small businesses all over the world need services of QuickBooks professionals.
4. Shopify:
Shopify is 15 days online course. You can start your own business of dropshipping or can work as Virtual Assistant for ecommerce stores.
5. Facebook Marketing (ads):
1 week Facebook Marketing online course. You can run your own online business effectively. You can sell your services to businesses all over the world to run their Facebook campaigns.
6. SEO:
SEO is mother of all digital skills. It is a 3 months online course. SEO professionals literally make fortune by providing their SEO services to all over the world.
7. Ms Excel :
7 days online course for beginners to midlevel professionals. Excel is in high demand all over the world.
8. Wordpress:
It is 7 days online course. Wordpress is hot favorite skill at freelancing sites. Wordpress professionals are making fortune at Freelancing sites.
9. YouTube:
Get your online training on earning from YouTube. You learn all the tricks of YouTube monetization.
10. Content Writing:
Content Writing is a billion dollar industry. Every business and every blogger needs services of content writers.
11. English Language Course:
Focus on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure. English is must for freelancers. Highly recommended for freelancers and students.
12. Freelancing Mastery:
Fiverr is one the most popular freelancing sites. Sell any skill at Fiverr and earn money while working from home. It is our THE MOST FAVORITE online training.
Become Missing Person for 6 months.
Become seed.
As Robbin Williams say in movie Dead Poet Society:
“Let’s make our lives extraordinary. Carpe Diem. Seize the day.”

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SyedHamzaBinFaisal’s Profile PhotoSyed Hamza Bin Faisal
Don't insult others or mock them no matter who they are or what they believe. Don't curse or abuse, don't disrespect. You gain absolutely nothing by doing that. In fact, you will make many enemies. Sleep in peace every night knowing you haven't wronged a soul in any way.

What gossip about yourself has made you laugh?

What a dominant display from the 'champion' Khabib Nurmagomedov..
29 - 0 made his father proud and hanging the gloves as an undisputed, undefeated champion!
"This is my last fight, There's no way I'm going to come here without my father" - Khabib.
Liked by: patricksnoking Eisha


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