

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Do you iron your clothes on a regular basis?

No I haven't ironed my clothes in forever. Fun fact though in the sixth grade I went through this phase where I wouldn't wear anything unless it was ironed first and I had my grandma teach me how to iron just so I could iron all my clothes.

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which sounds better right now: twenty bucks or twenty boxes of your favorite snack food delivered to your door? (what is your favorite snack food?)

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
Twenty boxes of my favorite snack which is almond butter granola cups.

have you ever hated a room color but been too lazy to paint (or not been able to for some reason)? what color was the room?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I wasn't allowed to reprint my room when it was hot pink and black. Like my mom just wouldn't let me so I did it while she was out of town after five years of having it.

What is your opinion on abortion? Are you pro-life, pro-choice or somewhere in between?

twistedfaithxx’s Profile PhotoQuestions + Advice
I'm pro choice. I think that everyone deserves to have a say in what happens to their body. If you don't want to/can't carry a baby then you shouldn't be forced to you should be able to have that choice and make it on your own.

28🌸 What are your views on religion?

I am an atheist. But I believe that if you believe in/ follow a religion then do so because we all have freedom of religion and I choose not to believe in any religion but I'm not going to say that you can't believe as you want but people also need to respect my beliefs. But yeah I don't believe in a higher power or anything like that.

88🌸 What is your opinion on Donald Trump?

I do not like Trump nor do I agree with his beliefs and what he wants to do. I'm very anti Trump and still haven't really accepted that he is president l.
Liked by: jennifer.✌

70🌸 Are you scared of needles?

I used to be so scared of needles and after last summer I have conquered that fear and I'm fine with getting shots, getting my blood drawn, etc. now.

After living for 19 years I've never once gotten a coldsore but I've recently got one. What do I do? How do I get rid of it?😑

I use orajel gel every time I get one. I just put some on a q tip and rub it on the sore.

of your names (first, middle, last) which one do you like the most?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
My first name which says a lot because I don't love my name.
Liked by: eggsy


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