@amberwaves35#5 🇺🇸

Amber Watkins

Ask @amberwaves35

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Why do the majority of people marry in the summer? I don't think I've ever attended a wedding that wasn't in the summer.

I been to a December one and it was beautiful

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When was the last time you were in a relationship?

Vice versa if you're serious and want a future.....next level not a business transaction

Do you think men handle rejection better than women? I’ve been told that as a woman, I’ll be the only one who gets hurt if I approach a guy and get rejected which is why it’s better to wait for a man to approach me.

I agree, I stay distant

Do you like when relatives visit you and stay for a couple of days at your place?

Its fun , you don't see them all the time

Was the transition from middle school to high school big for you (either due to switching schools, the pressure to do well academically, having a hard time making friends, etc.)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Academic pressure and bullying

Fyi: Two incomes is better than one. Gentlemen make sure your wife/partner has two jobs. You’re welcome 😉…

You mean work herself to death, while the man sit on his butt?

Fyi: uh 😒, marriage is a business contract. Sign that prenup. You’re welcome 😉.

Not to me, I look at the spiritual part of it. God is the Glue. Sickness/health/hard times/good times


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