
Amber Watkins

Ask @amberwaves35

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Would you rather be proud of who your partner is or of how successful they are?

Be proud if who they are as a person, money and success can be gone tommorow.

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” ‭‭Colossians ‭3:‭13 ‭NIV

100% agree

Is it possible that some guys who hook up choose to hook up with any other girl besides the girl they actually have feelings for? And why do you think they might avoid hooking up with the girl they actually have feelings for?

Well maybe they don't want to hurt her. Also that she wants something serious not a one night stand

Women think they good at lying but give themselves away with their emotions every time

Men can be messy with their lies, Behind my smile is pains , worries, frustration, but I keep going....


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