Ask @bertharp

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Kalo nguap itu ditutup ya guys, bukan hanya karena tidak sopan tetapi katanya rasa ngantuknya itu dari Allah tapi....'Haaah' nya itu dari setan....makanya harus ditutup


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Gimana hari ini?

it always 'fuck people' in daily basis but also there are times when I do need someone to talk to.
and today is kind of the day

What's more valuable, brains or beauty?

in an ideal world it's brain but last time I remember we still live in a judgemental society so

Ada yg bilang 'ga perlu ganteng yg penting mapan secara materi (kaya) ' Lalu ada yg bilang 'rejeki bisa dicari tp keturunan tidak bisa dirubah' Kamu yg mana?

plastic surgeon exist for a reason

Yuk yang mau curhat

It just that the universe won't be nice with me these times, like everything I did, it doesn't turn out well. Why do the seams always all come undone at once.

What did you fake doing lately?

my life.
I lied to myself, I lied to everyone else. pretend that everything is fine, that everything will be alright no matter what. pretend that I'll make it up soon.
but I'm not.
it just getting hard as everyday goes by and I'm not sure but anything anymore.
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Uda mulai gak konsentrasi 😫

back then when everyone seems so breakdown at the start of quarantine, it didn't affect me much. but these days, it's getting harder even just to take a breathe. I'm so lost.

3 pembalap Yamaha sudah juara seri MotoGP 2020 ini. Menurutmu apakah Rossi juga bisa juara seri?

there's a chance for everyone ofc!
ya kno with the absence of marc, it's like an open chance for everyone to winning the race and even be the world champion. idk whether it's a blessing in disguise or not since I really love marc and I'm too brokenhearted that he go through injury once again (oh cmon the last one alr took a long time for him to finally recover and it was pretty bad) but SURPRISINGLY (yes all capital bcs it's really surprised) the race is heaten up bcs a lots of potential rider that shown theirselves this time. I mean yes all of them are great rider but have you ever imagine Brad Binder, Franco Morbidelli, Miguel Oliveira to be on the top of podium?? yeah in normal season we wouldn't even think about them but hey 2020 has given us a LOT of surprises (and shits) so it wasn't really shocking lah.
anyho just waiting for every races bcs it's gonna be thrilling to see everyone's struggle to chase the world championship title. well I'm still cheering for dovi ofc, if marc can't get the title then it must be dovi! to give the greatest goodbye and clapback for ducati wqwq

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kamu mau cerita sesuatu nggak?

I know I said about this many times but lemme say it again cause I have no one to talk to oke oke
kmrn pas anniv day6 kan kak sungjin akhirnya ikutan ngelive (yaallah tentu saja aku menangis) trs ada yg nanyain soal demonya afraid, since semua member udh bilang bagus2 aja kan, trs doi jawab oh oke tar ditanya dulu ke member sm staff bole diupload ga (yha bole dong itu kan lagu bapak sendiri halo???) teruuuusssss tadi akhirnya diupload guis (nangis lagi) huhuhu mana w liatnya separo sadar bangun tidur kaget kan:( bukan demo sih ya guide version soalnya udh pake final instrument tp beneran feelnya lebih ancuuuuuuurrrrr dr yg final vers sm day6 astagfirullahaladzim maksudnya as brian ever said that it has so many emotions and mixed feeling which jae also said that it feels diff than the band vers ya memang benar adanya huhu really kak sungjin lived the song so well. you can clearly hear the pain and frustrated inside his voice, he effortlessly deliver the emotions greatly (aku drtd masi drowning tak puter on repeat sambil nangis)
I might speak so highly bout him but that's what I really see on him, dia selalu jd orang yg reliable buat membernya buat fansnya dan considerate bgt dia mikirin semua orang tp dia jg ga sok, when he needs space he told us, when he doesn't feel it right he voicing out, he always encourage everyone to be true and kind to their self bahwa it's okay buat lo ga merasa oke. tbh I'm quite overthink about the song, I'm afraid that he's really through all the things he wrote there:(
dah ya begitu saja intinya aku maw cerita udh kebanyakan nangisin kak sungjin dan lagunya. sama juga gmn minta ke tuhan biar kak sungjin jadi jodohqu (teteup).

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kamu mau cerita sesuatu nggak

Bagaimana cuaca di daerahmu hari ini?

smg panas bat kek kerak neraka as usual, tp kl hatiqu cuacanya badai soalnya abis biasa aja, seneng, sedih, seneng lagi, overthinking, sebel, ya yg gitu2 deh

Apa mimpimu yang paling indah?

kmrn kapan gt mimpi lagi sibuk mau ngerayain 6th monthversarry sama kak sungjin.
emg lebay tp ya siapa jg peduli wqwq yg penting aqu senang~


Language: English