Ask @bertharp

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Menurut kalian mencintai seseorang di dalam hati itu, sudah kurang lebih 6 tahun! itu cinta monyet atau tulus? terus minta saran harus ngapain?

You know what, I've been asked the same question for the past seven years. Did I really love him or I just 'curious' since we haven't has any clear closure. I don't know if we were even started(?) Jadi yaaaa, yaudah gitu.
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are you strong person mentally?

Just crying while listening to The Day You Went Away, so you decide.

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Gimana caranya move on? Aku pernah deket sama cowo hampir dua tahun, trus pisah karna udah lulus SMA, akhirnya kami jalan di jalan masing-masing. Sampe sekarang, aku masih gabisa lupain dia. Please sarannya ya guys

Gapapa aku udh tujuh tahun masih belom lupa juga. Don't rush it, accept it.

Bungee or a parachute jump? ??

Also, sky diving too. They're on my bucket list, what to do before I die. Hope I can fulfill it someday.
Liked by: Craso27

Cowo yg ngeliatin sambil senyum2 gitu ke kita terus pas ditanyain "kenapa" dia tetep aja kaya gitu sampe lama terus baru jawab "gapapa", ini kasusnya kita tatap2an ya. Itu niatnya kenapa si? Ada masalah apa si dihidupnya?

Just accept it before you realized that you're missing it when he no longer does it again to you~

Pengen punya pacar tpp giliran ada yg deketin malah risih ada yg kek gini ga? Gue suddenly bisa takut malahan wkwk


yang tinggal di semarang ada yang mau nemenin ke starbucks atau cafe?

Bayarin sini tinggal bilang mo ke mana~

Rekomendasi drakor genre fantasi dong

Fantasi bgt nih bikin halu sampe bego yakale dah punya tetangga cem gini:(
Rekomendasi drakor genre fantasi dong

saran gemukin badan dong kak:" ortuku padahal gemuk berisi, ak kok kurus udah makan ini itu tp ko gbs gemuk jg malah dari 35 turun jadi 31kg😭😭😭

ChaerunnisaNur’s Profile PhotoChisaeru
Seriously, being me. Ain't no kidding.

Gimana cara move on dari mantan gebetan?

Wkwkwk lol I can't even
Tadi kan iseng gugling2 gt trs nemu namanya doi, scroll scroll scroll and I realized ternyata masih sekangen itu😭 eventhough I ever said that, I'm done with him and will stop to thinking about him, it just not that easy. Sometimes, all the memories still hit me and the only thing I can do is kgn hiks
So, how's life? R u doing well? How's ur college? Is bandung still rainy? Wear ur jacket, u get the flu easily when its cold.
I'm sorry and even after all these time I still can't take you out of my mind:(

How is life? ?

It's been so hard lately. Painful, exhausting, and so much pressure from here and there. I'm so tired can we just stop it rn:(

Pernah mimpi ditembak gebetan ga? Pertanda apa coba?

Pertanda suruh bangun. Jangan ngimpi mulu, wong dia cuma bercanda.

Hey gais gimana si caranya biar bisa berteman sama orang luar negeri di sosmed gitu? Pengen deh kaya ngasah bahasa aku gitu kan sama dia kalo ngobrol hehe meski kadang ya pake translate wkwk

Go install this app on your phone. Yes, the name is Slowly. It helps you to get penpals from around the world. I haven't tried it yet sih, but I will deh when I have spare time😂😂
Actually the one I've already tried was like a website but I don't remember the complete link:( you can send and receive mails by your email. It's been fun! I got some friends from France, UAE, and some other countries. Go try it and make some new friends. Good luck🙌
Hey gais gimana si caranya biar bisa berteman sama orang luar negeri di sosmed


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