
Caitlin Weston

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No because you're parents still have to unlucky for them.

wow now you're bringing my parents into it, you're horrible

Thank god if you do.

I'm not killing myself you twat, I'm just ignoring you and deleting facebook so that way its like I'm dead to you

Oh look showing the real you doesn't take long does it, But let's get this right people like you dont deserve to live you put on a show when your a vile piece of shit that needs her throat ripped out your dirt id throw a party the second you died everyone would be to much happier

Fine have it your way then..

Oh you changed your mind already? Why was it wrong? So who is it now because there's always 1 new one each day for you isn't there "i'm not an attention seeker" Yet your status from half hour ago clearly states you are you obviously ditched one guy and now pesting for another yet again Slag.

People like you don't even deserve to live and I'm nothing you say I am and that status is because I want those things don't like it then fucking delete me and block me on this or just take a long walk off a short pier with bricks tied to your ankles you vile cretin.
Liked by: Shannon Morris

You're not all there in the head the sooner you see a psychiatrist the better also you might wanna work on stop being such an attention seeking whore making out you're so innocent and your ex fucked you over yet you're changing guys everyday it was dex the other day now your on about another 2moz

I'm not seeing anyone tomorrow now because I realised its wrong what I was doing so shut the fuck up and I'm not attention seeking neither a whore and he did fuck me over and me and dex didn't work out so shut up because you don't know anything about me

Yet only the other day you was posting about how you are. It's like you have two personality's you really are fucked up aren't you.

That was ages ago and I thought I sorted myself out? but obviously not.

No need to explain myself when you know precisely what I mean.

I really don't though.. unless I'm missing something I have no idea what you're going on about?

It's quite clear you're fucked up in the head you're obsessive psycho and not all there you need to see a psychiatrist then once you're done there a plastic surgeon.

Explain how? and trust me if I had the money I would.

Touche Is there any reason why should live is the real question.

When you give me a good enough reason why I should be dead.. then I'll think about it?

When you commit i will gladly do so with excitement

Is there any reason you hate me so much you wish my dead?

Oh look the lesbian friend jumps in hoping to get her muff licked out of it

Woah too fucking far, abuse me and my life but not my bestfriend and her sexuality you fucking physco slag.. fuck off now unless you want your jaw on a curb.

Cunts like you is why you don't have friends. So ease up on cait, she's not any of those names you call her and she hasn't done anything wrong. So fuck off back to your hole, vermins. :)

marina foscheri
Hmm... maybe I do deserve to die :/

The only thing you would be good for is a easy fuck, But then again a wank would be better than a tramp like you

Keep them coming love.. not hurting me anymore

No one wants you because you're a ugly piece of shit and a dirty little whore

Hardly a dirty whore & yes I know that


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