
Caitlin Weston

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What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

When I've got work; 8
Nothing to do; 10/11
College; 8

Whoever the fuck has abused you or made you feel any of that you just liked deserves a fucking slit to the throat! Your one of the most perfect girls I know, I would KILL to look like you. Your so beautiful and deserve everything! If you ever need to talk, please inbox me, I love you!! <3

Awhhhhh that made my day! Thank you bubba <3

Caitlin stop fighting back! leave them to be sad. it's your own life fuck everyone else x

Aden C Miles
Its hard not too, when they expect me to do things, then bring those certain things up.. but yeah I know, thanks x

You're using people that's just as bad you know it's the truth so you're just as vile and a bitch for doing it

I'm not using anyone.. get your fucking facts right

See now you're being defensive and aggressive because you know everything I am saying is true, Wake up and smell the roses because you are kidding yourself

FUCK OFF! I'm being defensive and aggressive because people like you don't deserve to be happy or have a life.

You're after someone who you can use because you cannot have your ex because he's in a relationship

Thats not true at all, you don't know my feelings nor what I think so please just die you stupid fucked up flid

Keep telling yourself that you don't fool anyone except him hopefully for his sake he's only after a bunk up aswell

I'm not after that though..

You made it clear to everyone on here all you do is think about him and be defensive when someone mention's anything so stop trying to fool yourself you invisal

That was then before Dex came along.

No one move's on that quick you're gonna mess dex over while thinking of your ex

Well I am over him so shut up

When you admit you're just using Dex i may consider

I'm not using Dex!
I genuinely wanna be with him.. what don't you understand about that?

You could save everyone time if you commit

I've heard that too!
Wouldn't it just be easier to stop doing all this, act your age and leave everything alone.. then you wouldn't know I exist -.-


Language: English