
Caitlin Weston

Ask @caittweston

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But you write on tumblr that you were and you were to scared to tell your family and shit?

Ahh, well I thought I was because girls attracted me but then I sat down and thought about it and I'm not.. why?

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what. the. actual. fuck?

The cliff is ---------------> /\

To be honest yeah I should be jumping off it but I'm not selfish to leave the people who actually care about me, being harsh as fuck will get you know where so shush

slit yourself

Oh wow, if you knew me you'd know that I would -.- so cheers for that you selfish pikey

Suprised you have time to type while yanking cock

Oh wow, well unless Marinas a guy I suggest you clear your head of what people tell you and ease the fuck up

You pest on several boys each day try sticking to one slut!

No I don't, are you sure you're talking to the right Caitlin?!?! you pathetic jumped up little cunt!

As In Getting Away From You.

Wow you're so adorable :) I couldn't care less what you think you're pathetic love please kindly die

What Do You Look For In A Boys Looks?

Nice dress sense, perfect teeth (or at least white and straight) and not major skinny & blue or brown eyes :)


Language: English