
Caitlin Weston

Ask @caittweston

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ease up on caitlin. stop making her feel like shit even more, so what if he did that, she knows now but it's in the fucking past. leave her the fuck alone you selfish cunts. if you ever had any decency you would've inboxed her rather than being on anon. silly cunts.

marina foscheri

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What? its not my fault you wern't even second best to him he enjoyed fucking her maybe shes just a better fuck? or better looking your have to ask him to find that out

I honestly dont care

Well technically she had already fucked him a million times before you got with him anyway :)

Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt

why you feel sick ill be there with your mcds soon!

Because I dont like the thought of my first love banging some other girl and lol

You don't believe me? Go speak with abbie yourself seeing as he kept staying over her's a few time's as well.

I never said I didnt beileve you just dont wanna talk about it k?

Hush now? I'm talking the first time you got together he was fucking his ex. But wait according to you he's never cheated so he said.

Ok cool

Didn't he? is that what he told you oh man and you actually believed that Ha

Well I dont really class our second relationship as a relationship it was more of a fuck buddy with a bit of drama so he didnt cheat he just had sex with a girl, if he slept with someone other than me between Feb 22 and April 6 then yes he did cheat so hush now

OMG that anon is hilarious believe me no one is jealous of her looks maybe a few skank's are that's about it.

Exactly what I was thinking

Lol so your ex cheats on you and fucks off with some other girl and you call that "relationship problems" i would call that a wanker

He didnt cheat, he just fucked off with another girl because he cant stick to the same girl for more than 2 months tops, thats not his fault.. You'd understand if you him or me

you should believe me cause you are beautiful, and everyone just jealous of your looks

Hmm.. Ok well I'm hungry :(

Aww shame you wont get over you're ex or ryan though hahahahaha gutted

Oooo I was waiting for one about him, funnily enough I'm over them ones a twat the others just got problems with relationships

Well you carry on living a lie then but just remember if anyone tells you different there lying :)

Hardly living a lie, I'm sure I'll get over it.. Oh wait I'm over it


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