
Caitlin Weston

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I've said everything I love and want about you have a think about it then you'll see who I am then text me

do I look a member of the fucking FBI you din

I love you too ♥ But seriously if you don't fuck off, I will find you and I'll stab you in the fingers so you can't have amusement out of other peoples lives. K? K.

Thank you bub :) & they won't stop but heyho! I'll get over it♥

Fine ill leave you alone I wasn't even joking with everything I said ill leave you to guess

you've annoyed me, I've asked so many times who you are so I give up!

I'd give you all the attention you need u don't have a clue really you don't I want you cait I so do!

Ok, whatever

you was with him for a month and talk about him like you were together for years. Jesus fucking christ sort it

yep, cheers then

The stupid, cunty anons who are calling cait a pest and a slag and a slut, need to ease the fuck up. She ain't none of those things. She also doesn't need your shit, on top of everything else. So, why don't you find a very deep fucking hole and stay in it. You low life piece of shit. :)

marina foscheri
Ahh, I love you♥♥

Best thing about it is you don't no how perfect you are

I'm not perfect at all, I'm annoying, I'm clingy, I'm paranoid, I'm depressed, all I do is moan, I get jealous so easily, I like being alone, I'm fucked up and I give up easily, and I crave attention!

I can honestly say I aint fucking with you just want a chance


Yeah the thing is I want you and everything about you fucking its driving me crazy

So erm.. who the hell are you then? unless you're just being like the rest of the anons and fucking with my head

you moaning about aden is getting really fucking annoying can you not just keep it off facebook and keep it to yourself

If you don't like it you know where the delete button is and come off anon next time you twat and also I would stop going on about him if cunts like you woukd stop bringing him up.

Your special and beautiful and sexy and kind and loving everything I need in a girl

Trust me, you don't want someone whose as fucked up as me...

cry cry cry wah wah wah bitch bitch bitch cunt cunt cunt slut slag sleaze pest aden hi

Can you stop please..


Language: English