
Caitlin Weston

Ask @caittweston

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You're be pleased to know he's single again quick get away from your rebound and run to him!

Well, she should have known it was coming!

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Yet you want more

No I really don't, I only see him as a friend, hes hurt me too many times to want anything more.. friends is all I want

Mate's is that what you want to call it? we all know it's more than that

Its not though.. me and him are just mates thats it lol

I'll either be on marinas phone or mine depending if my mum gets my sim card :p ok talk soon then :) about 7 hours ago1 person likes this I'll call you then :) ok :) about 7 hours ago Hmm.. what time do you finish? half 11 about 7 hours ago Dumbarse, I call you in abit.. maybe

WOW, GIVE IT A REST I'M ALLOWED TO SPEAK TO MY MATES & tbh Dex knows me and aden are mates

Clearly not or it would be on here with the conversation you had!

I replied to it but okay I'll reply again!

Well obviously you did otherwise you wouldn't of said im allowed phone calls with him if it did not come through!

I answered it.. you flid

Still did'nt answer to the part of the messages why's that you know dex will see and not want to know you?

What one about the messages.. I'll answer anything you send me & I didn't get one about any messages?

Whoever is saying this stuff about you i would like to know who it is because im dexter and your making out to be my friend, who are you, stop being harsh to my missus, she doesnt deserve any of this, if she did then i wouldnt of taken any interest, dont listen to them baby, im all yours <3<3<3

:/ Apparently I deserve everything but thank you bub <3<3<3
Liked by: marina foscheri

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

Chris Brown, Tyga and Justin Timberlake


Language: English