

Ask @carlinewman

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Which famous person from the past would you most like to meet?

haha the past justin bieber does that count <3
audrey hepburn walt disney albert einstein dr. seuss
idk who's cool and dead

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thoughts on Jorge

jorge is the best!
he's hilarious mexican fun sweet kind I can't even like describe
always makes me smile or laugh or whatever
one of my best friends :) x
Liked by: Jorge Rada

Which countries have you visited?

actually not that many
USA china costa rica mexico vietnam canada thailand omg I can't even remember
I actually like went a lot of places when I was a baby
I traveled the world but now no
omg where's a map
anyways there's a lot of places I still want to go x

What's your biggest fear?

I'm actually scared of the ocean and fish and sharks omg
clowns insane people tornadoes hobos embarrassing situations mr. claassen
growing up ✌

What is the secret to a happy life?

nutella ♡ ♡ ♡
jokes kind of eheh
doing what you love with people you love :)

what do you miss bout hainan?

the people with me ♡
people acted so different there from like normal school days
the sunshine the beach the ocean the surfing the turtles the blue skies
just having so much fun with fun people ahhh best
Liked by: Briana Shay Shay ♡

funniest people?

albert hannah misha andrea STONE ms jorge sam lucas + jorge colton aakshi brandon LEAH egon moe simon terence x
ugh cbbs everyone is so funny hahah this is random x
Liked by: Jorge Rada

Do you trust people easily?

I actually do lol
I have no filter at all and say whatever I want hahhaha its usually not a good thing
but I only completely trust my close friends x

What do you like to do on the weekends?

whatever I feel like gosh
hah no jokes I longboard shop hang out with hannah or grace or whoever
watch movies sleep sleep go to church yo praise the lawd hallelujah
why are my answers always so weird omg
Liked by: Maia Popescu

sassy support is back and do you even lift brah?

come at me brah I'm the head of sassy support ofc I lift come on x yo

Who has the best sense of humor?

ahhh off the top of my head
STONE haha he's hilarious
leah!! so sassy omg ♡
albert :))))
aakshi is pre funny :) in a not funny way hahahaha
misha when she's hating on people or being motherly ♥♥♥ always
ethan, colton, brandon, jorge, shayla, pammi, IDK EVERYONE IS FUNNY OK ♡

Dear carlick you have a cute laugh/hair if we were in a room together I would make fun of youu, you and I should hang out sometime if you kissed me I would be surprised If you hugged me I would HUG you back 10x I adore you hehe x

hahahahhahaa awh my pamster ♡ ♡ ♡ love you bby stay sexy and fresh x
Liked by: pammi

3 cutest couples in grade?

STONERIDGE ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
leah and buck if they were
elle and armand
I don't even know who else is dating lol x whoever I missed YOU'RE CUTE TOO ♥
Liked by: Stone Damon

all da pairs not urs

ohh ok sorry..?
I know niki and someone haha actually I don't even know
I don't really keep track of other people's *bffls* sorry x

list all the bffls in da grade

hannah misha albert grace p grace s leah katie pammi shayla grace h jorge colton cameron luke sam stone
I don't even know I've done this so many times
Liked by: Stone Damon

Have you ever thank god for your personality ? :D

hah no jokes x should I? come off anon plz ♡
Liked by: Bishoy

What slang word or phrase do you love to use?

hhaha I say honestly a lot
yo (because I'm gángster yo)
CBBs - can't be bothered
haha more than this but honestly cbbs
Liked by: pammi


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