

Ask @carlinewman

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Hey Carli! first off i saw you on your bike near regency while i was on a cab! sorry had to let you know, was going to shout out your name but then i realized idk you! your answers are really funny, i lol everytime, legit lol! anyways you should wave at me in the hallway! i have no freshy friends :c

haha this is nice!!! thank you :)
((but wowow i feel stupid because i liked a million of those compliment things so i'm not sure who you are))

holy crap poptropica holy crap i love you even more now poptropica is the best thing on this planet (also i have things to tell you i wish you went to the church activity) ps. you suck for nominating me for that picture thing grrr

what did i do to deserve this random outburst of information

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tbh carli your sassiness is vey admirable. we should talk more in person because from what i can tell from your facebook captions and what davis has told me, you're really sassy to davis too which is great because sassing davis is fun! anyways you're hella cute/rad and hmu

evelyn i see in the near future a major sass battle going down !!! haha thankss

yo CARLI tbh you're hella coooOOOOL and funny and i love that big smile of yours!!!! also i miss being in your flex where we would talk to each other via ask.fm and stare at each other from opposite ends of the hall.......... .... ....... ....... .

CAITLIN i hate how the frequency of how often i see you is decreasing
haha i love being antisocial with u too aw <3 THANK

I literally come to this ask everyday because you are pretty much a sassy mormon ;) see you tomorrow babe :*

wait this is so sweet but i'm over analyzing it and freaking out right now
you COME here EVERY DAY ???? that just put so much pressure on all of my answers ahhh
wait do you know me and have witnessed my sassiness and mormonness?? WHO ARE YOU
see you tomorrow where and when?? at school right?
------->>>>>>>>> BABE :* <-------?????????????????????????????????????????????(helpme)

tbh your answers on here are actually so funny like I can't deal hahaha. don't think we've actually properly met though, so let's do that sometime!

sorry if my accidental like freaked you out because we haven't met hahha thanks keith :))

tbvh carli we started talking on here and we should talk more in person !! you're soso funny and cute it sucks we have no classes together because talking in the hall turns out really awkward

oh btw i forgot to mention how my unbelievable smoothness turns into unpleasant awkwardness face2face
but i love you emily thank you !!!

hey carli tbvh we dont talk much at all but you seem super nice and really sassy :D we have so many mutual friends and they mention you a lot. i definitely want to get to know u better because it would be depressing not making an extra friend so lets converse in the hall someday :)

jonathan thank you! yeah its strange because we have a lot of the same friends but don't talk like at all .... lets converse for sure :)
Liked by: Jonathan

Do you have people who were once friends but now are not?

any person who would answer this would say yes because no one can stay close to everyone they have ever met and become friends with. people physically move away or just move on. they want to be seen differently or benefit their reputation or just get bored/sick of the people around them. i've seen this with some of my friends and other people. i wouldn't say these people aren't my friends anymore, most of them i'm just not as close to and might not ever be as close to as i once was
thank you for joining me on one of my deep sunday afternoon rants meet me next time at 2:18 PRC time bye

tbvh CARLI!!! I'm not super close with you but I would really like to be!! You are honestly one of the funniest people I've ever met and I hope we have more classes together next year <3 <3

Kari Rempel
kari this made me smile you are so sweet :) yeah we should talk more for sure!!
Liked by: Kari Rempel

tbvh caaaaaarrliiiiii you're gorgeous, you're easy to talk, and fun to be around. our physics brainstorm session was fun and we should definitely talk more!! also did i mention you're a pun-master :))

same to you ruby!!! thank you so much wow :) lets talk more for sure !
Liked by: Ruby


Language: English