
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Can anyone make a offering and ask a boon of the white witch, or is it limited to citizens of the City?

The White Witch only responds to the call of her followers, and you must be born from a follower to be one. That pretty much restricts things to residents of The City.

Will this end with Snax alone trudging in the snow on the boarder of insanity holding on to her memories of good days with Bikky before she died of blood loss. The end as she loses grip and goes into an insane rage battling the Templers. Then a moment of sanity as she dies telling of her lost lover.

W-whaddaya saying bweh..

I think that Snax should be more active on the relationship. We only ser Vicky kissing and caring for her, I know she loves her a whole lot, but it would be good to mix things up a little I think. ... Or maybe that's just me wishing I could be Snax and have my own Bikky ;_;

The bat is a pretty vain... she thinks letting Bikky scratch her head or touch her fuzzy feet is already showing a lot of affection. At the same time, she can't live without Bikky's hugs and kisses now. ;w;
Oh, and she does do a lot for Bikky -- cleaning her, feeding her, etc. ... .. .almost like a pet, actually... ... hrmm... how did things turn out this way...?

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I really love the way you draw. I almost died out of sheer overdose of cuteness the first time I saw a smallhorn. How do you make characters so cute?!

That's their natural defence mechanism. They can waddle away while predators die of a heart attack.

If you could go back in time, what would you change and why?

I'm currently living my life as if I had travelled back in time and decided to do things right. I'm following my passion and kicking everything else to the curb! I wouldn't change a damn thing!

"With that, I can be satisfied." You know you're gonna have another idea pop into your head that you want to do and it's never going to end. Just give in Dan...

Sigh. It's true - I'll be on my deathbed wishing I had just a little more time to draw one more butt comic... oh well...

Well, Vicky's a pretty big guardian.

For you!
And just so you don't ask -- the next step of her master plan is marrying this bat... WITH NO SURVIVORS.

Which house has the best record for winning a favor from the white witch?

If you're counting Guardians, it's North House by a wide margin.
If you discount the Guardians (who, let's face it, are all oddities) and count quality and quantity of boons per person instead, it's actually West House. Things are kind of skewed though, since West House is extremely small, filled with only the most intellectually gifted elites, and have an endless pool of offerings to draw from. That said, none of their boons are particularly good for fighting vampires. If they give the white witch a book they'll usually get something weird back, like half a ship's wheel or some tomato seeds. This is probably connected to the personalities of the templar making the requests... nothing but oddballs in West House.

"Only those who dedicate their mind, body, and soul to the white witch will receive her protection. Without her protection they would be powerless against the vampire. Those who break their word to the witch must be punished severely." I recall that Bikky still has her scarf and also has sex

It's as you say: Vicky has lost all her protection except for the power already imparted to her and stored within her life scarf. The scarf is like part of her body -- it has some autonomy from the white witch herself. Also, Enna can make some small repairs to the scarf, but it's mostly dragging out the inevitable.
Liked by: Nerer

Will~You~Listen~To~My~Bully~? めそめそめそ \(; ~~~~~~~~~ ; )/ めそめそめそ


This company has a literal "cake culture". There's about 2-3 large cakes sitting here in the break room. When did Cupcake join upper management?

When she took the CEO's frosting. Why can't she be a good cake like Darkcake?
Liked by: Hebiko (蛇子)

Sir, I'm underage. Please stop touching me in such weird places or I will call the police. Also, what is that stuff coming out of your pockets?

That's spaghetti. Why don't you try feeling around for the meatballs?

What's with the Templar order's prohibition on sexual pleasure?

Only those who dedicate their mind, body, and soul to the white witch will receive her protection. Without her protection they would be powerless against the vampire. Those who break their word to the witch must be punished severely. Melons won't be enough -- only the offering of the sister's awakened flesh will set things right.

Can you get boba in The City? On their day off, do cute templars flock around their Captain as she stoically sips her Himehorn tear flavored boba and try to silently insinuate they want a sip (because they'd be kissing indirectly?)

You mean bubble tea? Nope. You can get regular tea, though.
A little note about drinking tea in the mess: if a captain is pouring tea for a subordinate, you can bet that's the one that sleeps under her cape. It's a bit of a public display if people notice and rumours travel fast, so only those with good unit chemistry do such things in the open.


Language: English