Have you ever been a stalked? How did you stop it?

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Yes, for some time I was constantly harassed by one man, and even after I tried to explain my disinterest, his harassment did not stop. He even followed me in a big car, and then the thought flashed through my head that just a few seconds in the blind zone for the human eye and no one would ever know where I had disappeared. But soon I moved to another country, and that saved me.

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Have I been stalked before ..yes I confronted the person and just talked to her like a person. Stalkers just see you as an image and they need to know that you are a person and not an object
I have UNINTENTIONALLY CAME ACROSS as a STALKER to MY CRUSH on SOCIAL MEDIA as I made backup accounts so I could message her after She blocked me on her BACKUP account but I NEVER wanted to make those backups accounts When She blocked me on her MAIN account I did NOT make ANY backup accounts to message her because I could STILL message her on her BACKUP account but when She blocked me on her BACKUP account I made backup accounts for the PURPOSE of MESSAGING her out of DESPARATION It made her UNCOMFORTABLE and I FUCKING HATE MYSELF for causing her SO MUCH DISCOMFORT I LOVE her and knowing that you caused the person you LOVE DISCOMFORT is NOT a GOOD feeling AS for whether I have ever been STALKED and if I did anything to STOP it The TRUTH is we are ALL being STALKED by THE GOVERNMENT and it's IMPOSSIBLE to STOP IT I might have COME ACROSS as a STALKER towards my crush but UNLIKE THE GOVERNMENT I would NEVER HURT HER OR KILL HER and DESPITE the FACT that She accused me of stalking her on Facebook I do NOT have ANY HATRED OR RESENTMENT towards HER but I DO HATE AND RESENT MYSELF for making her FEEL like a STALKING VICTIM

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Language: English