
Devi Salsabella

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Takdir seorang wanita "menunggu" bukan "memulai. Knp hrus demikian?

CliveEdy’s Profile Photo名前ĄḺḳĄϜ_Ή•
Takdir?. Tidak semua wanita seperti itu. Ada tipe wanita pemberani yg berani memulai terlebih dahulu. Tapi hampir semua wanita merasa gengsi untuk memulai terlebih dahulu. Dan dari situlah terkadang bnyk wanita yg sring kehilangan cintanya hnya untuk menunggu tnpa berani memulai dan terus mencintai dalam diam memenda perasaan nya.

wdyt abt love?

For me, about love sacrificingyourhappiness for the sake oftheirhappiness.
Seeing them happy withtheir better halves, and feeling happy for them.
Praying for them everytime, praying for everyone related to them. Everytime.
Praying for their success, their dreams, their ambitions.
Love is when you don't feel any hatred, any jealousy, any harsh feelings against the person who will hold hands of the person you love. Rather you pray for their happiness.
“Love makes you feel so brave and strong that you are ready to fight for that one person with the whole world.
But it also makes you feel so weak that you can't live without that one person”.

Salam kenal ka, ka boleh dong tanya2 sdikit😊 Ka klo biasanya ngumpul am keluarga pada ngapain aja sih😁@devisalsabella

Humairoh Nurhani
Salam kenal juga de. Nanya banyak juga boleh kok😅.
Kalo ngumpul sih biasanya bnyk yg kita lakuin msalnya kya main bareng, cerita, ketawa, makan, mm banyk deh. Pokoknya klo udh ngumpul bareng pasti seru😁😁


Language: English