
Dmitriy Petrakov

Ask @dmitriypetrakov2

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Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!! I hate tobacco, beer, alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What is your answer?

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Is it insulting nowadays to tell a female that most females including her might look better without makeup? I thought this is a sign of natural beauty .. isn’t that good? Why would it be an insult? What’s wrong?

I don't care what is "Right", what is "Wrong"! I don't like when women without make up!!!!!!What is your answer?

If not now, then when?

Tonne! A pomnishj kak ti, vdrug, stala krutoy, priblatnyonnoy, paljci veerom "Nataliey v zakone": "Ya - Kryostnaya Matj vsex vorov & banditov!". V kakom muxosranske ti sharaxaeshjsya ya zabil! Ya tebe otvetil: "Esli budet prikaz unichtozhitj tvoyu muxosranskuyu shayku, ya lichno vsazhu pulyu tebe mezhdu ushey!" Pochti sbilosj, Tonne!!! Ochenj blizko k tomu, chto proisxodit!!! Ti, kak & podobaet krutoy, gromko smeyalasj….
Ya bi xotel posmotretj kak seychas ti smeyoshjsya!!!
Commando 2121

True or false? Those that are forgiven the most love the most?Those that are forgiven little love little?

Do you understand what you wrote?????????????????

When you can justify a lie?

For falsity, cynicism, meanness, pathological venality & pathological greed WANTED "beautiful woman" Natali Tonne!!!!!
Reward: Clean Earth & Fresh Air!!!!!!!!
Universe ...What is your answer?

What's the latest thing that made you smile?

They are not "thing"! They are "sweet couple": kept woman Natali Tonne & her "sponsor"- fat coward & mama boy Reza!
HA-HA-HA, Tonne! What for you swear to me that you are virgin & you will love only me!!!??? All 3,5 years our love story you had behind my back your brown eyed, fat & stinking hi-goat - your "sponsor"!!!! So what for!? To draw out from me money & "Chanel #5" for you & Charm date - dating site where you are just fake duck like on many others!!!??? And what if Universe will punish you, for your falsity, cynicism, meanness & venality!!!??? Such deadly story with your parents is nothing for you, "beautiful woman"!!!??? To be honest you in your gray swimsuit are very similar to rat!!!!! Big, big rat, Tonne - that who you are in reality!!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, Big Rat!!!
Dmitriy Of New York

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What do you think when you look in the mirror?

Mirror is very, very insidious & unknown object!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try less to be near mirrors if you don't want to become old much faster!!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't want!? Why!?
Order Knights Templar Magister The Great

Last person to make you happy?

I don't need anybody or something special to be happy! I am happy! You don't understand anything in life if you are looking for happiness somewhere outside! Try to find it in yourself & if not you will not find happiness at all.....
Order Knights Templar Magister The Great

What’s your best skill to survive in the wilderness?

HAHA-HA!!!!! You even don't know what you are talking about!!! Your "wilderness" is very different & different skills you must to know!!! How to make clean water, how to save in desert, how to set bonfire without matches, how to make shelter & to sleep in deep snow, what possible to eat in a forest & when & millions more "What?" & "How?"...…..
Commando 2121

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

Immigration changed me & my life!!!
Thanks to the U.S.A!!!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate this country!!!!!
Dmitriy Of New York

What is the most money you have ever held in your hand?

I don't know where are you from, but in the U.S.A. nobody will answer to you - such questions rough violation of etiquette!!!!
Magister The Great

What is one thing you will never do again?

I will never be in any relations with venal & dirty slut Natali Tonne!!! This is what I can say after 3,5 years love story with this ugly monster…..
Dmitriy Of New York, Magister The Great

What’s the craziest thing you have done out of jealousy?

You are an idiot with stupid question!!!
Who said that I'm jealous!!!???
You, fucking idiot!!!!! It is very bad for your health to be jealous......

Who are your favorite people to follow on Instagram?

No! There are no favorite people anywhere in my life!

What kills us and what makes us eternal?

Such knowledge is very big secret...…
Order Knights Templar Magister The Great

You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

No! I'm fine here, in New York!
Better you will stuck......

Do you give money to beggars in the street?

There are no any beggars in my district....
I don't remember when I soo them...
Why not to give some money when somebody asks!?


Language: English