
Ryan Swannick

Ask @getnakedandgimmemore

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you're beautiful! -from someone who just recently added you on fb! :)

i've had quite a lot of recent adds so i don't know who you are hahaha but thank youuu c:

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Your top bit says advice so here goes. Basically I'm 15 gay told a few close friends - how should I come out to parents thatll be the hardest bit, bear in mind I'm pretty sure they are homophobic

if you're pretty sure they're homophobic, make sure you have somewhere to go if they decide to be really extreme and kick you out (it's unlikely but it's best to be safe).
you can probably ask advice/help from family members like your cousins or aunts/uncles about how they think your parents will react and maybe see if they might take you in if your parents end up being really extreme about it.
but don't get too panicked about it, most homophobic parents will just choose to ignore their child's sexuality (that sounds horrible but it's better than having no where to live) and they will still love you.
now, with the coming out to them; you can either:
- wait for them to ask you if you're gay and tell them the truth
- have a little meeting with them or just one by one and tell them calmly and up front
- if you don't think you can face them, write them a letter explaining that you're gay but you're still the same child and that nothing has changed and nothing ever will.
you don't have to come out to your parents straight away though, wait until you are definitely ready :D

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