
Ryan Swannick

Ask @getnakedandgimmemore

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I'm thinking about cutting, what should i do? I'm scared to cut though because of what i heard people say about when they cut

you have a really important choice here. you can either choose to make things harder and more complicated or you can choose to keep things the same and watch as it all does finally get better.
it may not make sense when you think about it, but trust me, once you begin cutting, it is so hard to stop. and if people find out, it gets even harder. people talk about you behind your back, they say things, you become the 'freak' because they don't understand.
so make the right choice and don't pick up that blade, you can do this without hurting yourself. you really really just have to focus on the bright side. if you focus enough, you'll realise that everything is not that shit tbh and things can get better if you try. :)
Liked by: My names krost?

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how long should i girl bleed for when she looses her virginity? iv been bleeding heavily for 6 hours helP

erm you might need a doctor or a cork for that

You didn't say that you bell

yes i did, i said not everyone sees it that way (basically YOU) so they need to look for another truth.

you're amazingly gorgeous. what is air :O

air is a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide and nitrogen and other things that help you liiive <3
Liked by: Geeee Miaaa

It's not classified as a sport so no. Pizza and pasta are foods but they're not the fkin same, you put pasta in your mouth just like pizza, still not the same, you swallow pizza just like pasta, still not the same, your dumb don't try and be some next philosopher you mug

ugh open your EYES, of course they're not the same thing you dumb shit, it's meant to help people realise that life is similar to sport because whenever you lose in a sport, you don't just give up, you try again, work harder and you WIN so you should do the same with life.
life isn't just a walk in the park for everyone, different people need to see the truth but they can only see it in certain ways.

No, footballs a sport, life is life

life is a challenge that feels great when you win and horrible when you lose.
football is also a challenge that feels great when you win and horrible when you lose.
life is full of decisions that can have a big effect on the outcome of what is about to happen.
football is also full of decisions that can have a big effect on the outcome of what is about to happen.
when you get hurt in life, it's best to just take a break and pull everything back together so you can focus on winning again.
when you get hurt in football, it's best to just take a break and pull everything back together so you can focus on winning again.
life is as much as a sport as football.
but more devastating resulting in much bigger rewards to work, play and aim for.

How do you keep a conversation going?xo

bring up and talk about interests (music, films, tv, hobbies, sports) until you find something you both love then have a freak out session over it :D

How old were you when you got your first computer?

i started playing computer games when i around 3/4 years old hahaha i've been playing tomb raider 2 since that age and i still do

If you get this, It means you are fkin hilarious, or fkin beautiful or both, idek you choose lols. H4t3r5 4r4 mi m0t1v4t0r5. also I follow you and you're all f#b x

aw yayyyy <3


Language: English