
Ryan Swannick

Ask @getnakedandgimmemore

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how do you get rid of regrets?

if you can fix you did, try your best at fixing what went wrong but do it carefully, sometimes trying to fix a situation can make it worse. plan it, think about it, ask a close and sensible friend/adult/parent for advice.
if it's unfixable and it's really getting you down, you have to try your very best at focusing on what is good for you in order to help move away from upsetting yourself over something you did. find an outlet (e.g. sport, drawing, diary, blogging, reading, song writing etc) to help distract you or express deep emotions that you feel you can't talk about or don't want to share.
if these regrets are really getting you down, i promise, they will go away soon. you just have to ride it out and focus on your friends, family, education and your dreams. <3
Liked by: tom. Demi Mccann Edda

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how do you know how to answer like every question?

idk i just read it, think about, see if i can relate to the situation
if i can relate, i like to share my experience
if i can't, i think more about both sides of the situation and what would make the most sense when dealing with it :)
Liked by: tom. Demi Mccann

one final question :/ how do i know people wont take the mick out of me if they knew

you will probably get people who'll be like "bisexual? what? why? ew?" and the best thing to do is to really ignore them and block it out. it may sound like a hard thing to do but if you really do try and say nothing back, their pestering will stop and everything will be easy.
surround yourself with friends who you know will accept you and if anything bad comes up or if ignorant people start to make it hard for you, don't suffer in silence, you have your friends to talk to and support you :)
Liked by: Demi Mccann Edda

how will i know when im comfortable with it though :/

you just will :)
it's hard to explain but when you feel ready, you'll know <3
Liked by: Edda

ah ok, its good then :D still a bit nervous to say it though

haha aww, you don't have to tell everyone straight away, wait until you're 100% comfortable with it first and then, when you feel ready, start to tell people, if you want to haha
Liked by: Edda

is that a good thing or not, i dont know

of course it's a good thing, it's a big part of what makes you who you are :)

ok, im not sure if i am or not :/

well, think about kissing and touching a girl in a sexual and heated way.
then think about kissing and touching a guy in a sexual and heated way.
what one feels nicer and excites you more?
a good idea would also to watch different kinds of porn and see what turns you on more, guy on guy stuff or girl on girl stuff.
if you really cannot tell which feels better, it's likely you're bisexual :')

How did you work out you were gay/bi?

i just felt attracted to men as i became more aware of sexuality as i grew older

How are you? What did you do on new years? How was your christmas? new years resolutions?

okay for the moment, went to belgium, alright, already failed it lmao
Liked by: darcy:)

Whoever likes do . You are [ ]hot,[ ]pretty,[ ]avrage! If we were home alone we would -[ ]have sex if you wanted to;) [ ]watch movies ,[ ]cuddle[ ]talk!i rate you on looks :20% ,40% ,60%,80% ,100%

no, i find these awkward to dooo
Liked by: Chloe

If you had to choose between never eating your favorite food or never hearing your favorite song which would you choose?

favourite food tbhhh
Liked by: LORD_V0LDE


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