
Ryan Swannick

Ask @getnakedandgimmemore

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I'm supposed to be smart and I'm doing well in everything but the subject that I really really want to do.The two things that I want to take a uni need a minimum of 2B's and an A so I don't think I can do any of them. I can't get A's it's impossible for me.

if you believe in yourself and really try, you can :D
you might surprise yourself :') <3
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No need to be sorry. You're still helping (even if it is late) and that's all that matters to me. I try to look forward to uni but i seems so far away (especially if I fail my January exams which I think I will because I'm not really smart enough) <3

there's opportunities for everyone so i wouldn't worry too much about getting into uni and if you really work hard, you can achieve any grade you want :) <3

(4) depressed anyway. But the new friends I've made don't really like me, they're just the type of people that are too nice to have someone sit alone and things like that, they never text, or call or invite me out with them.

you have been through so much, you poor thing and i'm sorry for the really late reply, i've had a family thing come up.
and i can see why you feel so crap but it really will get better. as you grow older and start your life (e.g. uni and a career) you'll meet new people, make new and real friends and meet the love of your life and have great experiences.
trust me, it will get good. <3

I've been through a lot, I've been bullied and My parents have split up so that means you have to respect me and feel sorry for me. True or False?

i feel sorry for you yes, but you shouldn't demand respect. i've been bullied and my parents have split but i don't rub it in just so people feel sorry. i only talk about it when people ask me.

Thank you so much for yoir help about telling the boy how i feel i never really told anyone else cause i all ways bottke it up as i feel no one wants to know about my feeling so thank you so much and i hope you dont mind if i come to you again with my problems <3xx

i don't mind, i'm always happy to help you :') <3

And you've only done that once? not even a blowjob?

done what once? sorry, i was away because of a family thing and i'm all lost hahahaa

But i'll feel like I'm clogging up everyone's feeds if I went into further detail <3

don't worry about people's feeds. if you need to talk to someone, you should no matter how much it is. <3

would be nice if i knew who was my friend cos to me i dont have any. seriously, you dont know me but you would be my friend? i know that sounds sad but thats me. i owe you alot

it doesn't sound sad, it sounds sweet <3

im not if i was i would have friends surely? i would never do that to you :) i could never be anything but nice to you. although it is only words you help have helped me alot tonight ryan :)

you do have friends, i'm a friend of yours :)
and i'm glad i helped you :D <3

Thank you for helping but there isn't much you can say and I'm starting to feel annoying and stuff. I've told people things before but I've never told anyone person everything. I don't know how to tell people I know in real life either. <3

you're not annoying at all, i like that you're talking to me rather than staying silent :)
and it can be hard to talk to people, you don't wanna drag them into your problems, which is why i'm always here for you.
you can tell me or talk to me about anything <3

why would i have wanted to say something nasty to you. you are amazing, i would love to be like you. no life no friends.

see? you are lovely and sweet :D
you just get random people on here who just spread and create hate for no reason and you're not one of them which is wonderful. <3

Can you tell when girls are cute or do you not even think any girl is cute? you're gorgeous btw xx

yesyes i can and thank you <3

so apparently im lovely and sweet :/ honestly im not but would like to be. no one has ever said it to me before

you are lovely and sweet :)
you could have said something randomly nasty to me but you didn't, you sent me an ask that was nice and genuine, therefore, you are lovely and sweet :D


Language: English