
Ryan Swannick

Ask @getnakedandgimmemore

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YES!! Honeymoon where do you want to go? ill pay? ;D

somewhere hot with out own villa so we can lay in the sun by the pool for daysssssssssssss

We're laying on your bed kissing, I get on top of you and start grinding on you whilst still kissing you, I tease you by lightly running my nails down your chest and stomach until you pick me up and throw me onto my back,get on top of me and are quickly getting harder and harder;) finish this off!:P

not really in the mood toooooo so i'll let you do that yourself hahahaha :')

Ah that's the worst part about it all.. I hate being hurt D: and yeah we can.. I love you <3<3

aw i love you tooooo ^___^ <3

You deserve someone special, I fail at relationships and always end up being hurt that I have actually come to the point where I can say I'm used to it.. heart break sucks. but your reply has genuinely made me really happy and thank you so much for that gorgeous.. :D we can stay strong together <3

i always end up being hurt to and i hate it :(
but yayyyy, i'm so glad i made you happy :DDDD
and yes, we can stay strong together! ^__^ <3
Liked by: Shaz - x o x o

Continued.. someone like you.. I've been bullied most of my time in secondary school being called fat and ugly :/ that it makes me feel really low about myself and the fact that people like you can give people and girls such good advice makes me think that there needs to be more people like you <3

this world is full of the shittiest of shit and society really fucking sucks :(
what people like me and you have to always remember is to stay strong, live free and have fun because we can avoid all the negatives in life and focus on what's good, it just takes a little bit of power and confidence <3
and thank you for the compliments hahaha and never give up on the idea of finding someone who makes all your dreams come true and your insides melt. i've only had guys who've broken my heart but i still very much believe i'll find someone great and real, you just gotta get through all the crap first. :')
Liked by: Shaz - x o x o

*continued* i feel like im never going to get a boyfriend.i see all these pictures of skinny confident girls getting attention off boys like 'you're beautiful, hot ,gorgeous,sexy etc' all over the internet,on sites like tumblr ask.fm facebook twitter etc.i wish i was perfect like them,

life isn't about having a gap between your thighs or being able to get with all the guys or being what society claims is "pretty".
the true definition of beauty is in fact you. you are beautiful because you are not like your friends, you are like me, unique and brilliant.
your friends may get all the guys but what you don't realise is, they're getting the guys who go "woah she's fit" and then want her. you are going to get that the real type of girl who's going to approach you and become friends with you, get to know you and fall in love with you for everything you are.
never ever hate what you have because there's nothing actually absolutely nothing wrong with it, you're just a tad different, and that's perfectly okay! imagine if every single person was a stick, that's just boring hahaha
you are beautiful and you will find that real true happiness one day, you just gotta stay strong and remain perfect <3

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