@igotamatch#7 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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If you got an invisible tattoo, what design would you choose and why?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMaryCeleste
INVISIBLE , the only for me . . .
can't believe I found this 'vid' after a hundred years
I hope you can hear & see this piece . . . . yes, see , in your soul x
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXg034t5MFwigotamatch’s Video 174104701050 zXg034t5MFwigotamatch’s Video 174104701050 zXg034t5MFw
If you got an invisible tattoo what design would you choose and why

Люди, парадоксальные создания, если задуматься.. в них умещается и рациональность и эмоции, минуты слабости и жуткая принципиальность.. многое.. каковы же ваши самые противоречивые мнения? Я знаю они есть 😉

harmfullady555’s Profile Photo°•ֆẁҽҽƚ Ⴆυƚ ƈɾαȥყ•°
Думаю, много-много лет назад я узнал о «мнениях»; У меня спонтанно, реактивно развилось патологическое отвращение к «мнениям». . .
Чувства, выводы, убеждения, понимания, теории. . . . наблюдения. (~ convictions~ just won't translate!) Никогда не мнения.
Люди парадоксальные создания если задуматься в них умещается и рациональность и

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Вы когда-нибудь встречали сюрреализм в музыке? Поделитесь композициями, которые, на ваш вкус, вписались бы в такой жанр.

thepathf1nder’s Profile PhotoRay
(TRANSLATION of Q:) "Have you ever encountered surrealism in music? Share compositions that, in your opinion, would fit into this genre."
~Well here it is: , , / ~ Ну, вот оно; несколько исполнений, версий и кавера:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHSo7XxOCD4igotamatch’s Video 174093113978 uHSo7XxOCD4igotamatch’s Video 174093113978 uHSo7XxOCD4
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~ and the best ROO-can-DOO ~
~ and the late-great composer, killed by covid, Dave Greenfield (first 3 vids; 'peasant')
Вы когданибудь встречали сюрреализм в музыке Поделитесь композициями которые на

Are you living the life of your dream?

ulyanavologdova’s Profile PhotoLuna
Thank you for such a question . . . truly !
So many dreams, when you've always been a dreamer . . .
A thing is , what if you awaken ?
Perhaps the vid is worth . . . "was she ever here, was it air she breathed . . . "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbIdLibqOHYigotamatch’s Video 174087613818 RbIdLibqOHYigotamatch’s Video 174087613818 RbIdLibqOHY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoLMsDBNjEcigotamatch’s Video 174087613818 NoLMsDBNjEcigotamatch’s Video 174087613818 NoLMsDBNjEc
Are you living the life of your dream

Hmm, what did you do today?😃

prosaeed2’s Profile Photoprosaeed2
Hmm. . . mm , we went to THE WOL . . . . for dinner ,
for Viki's Birthday . . . . that was THE DAY GONE DOWN !
& as always , 'we won't forget . . . ' . (interesting cover first!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=105u1JB_t_0igotamatch’s Video 174086792058 105u1JB_t_0igotamatch’s Video 174086792058 105u1JB_t_0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_4T0czSPrgigotamatch’s Video 174086792058 I_4T0czSPrgigotamatch’s Video 174086792058 I_4T0czSPrg
Hmm what did you do today

wut do u think abt the uk goverment trying to stop ppl smoking ciggies ? like i think personally they shudnt control us its kinda up to ppl if they smoke or not lol

sxdnessneverends_’s Profile Photo♡ ~ m a x ~ ♡
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGhL_1tdWmEigotamatch’s Video 174069884282 oGhL_1tdWmEigotamatch’s Video 174069884282 oGhL_1tdWmE
& more ~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnoyiVZUxUkigotamatch’s Video 174069884282 YnoyiVZUxUkigotamatch’s Video 174069884282 YnoyiVZUxUk
~ few people in brit-na-merica , can quite grasp the just how great the evil Soonak, Truss, Bubble-brain-boris, & cameron before , perpetuate . . . not to mention the mericancorpse ~

This is Viki . . . John says he needs a break

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
So. . . (I'm using John's style)
John sitting here with his chin on his hands , a little drunk or more
Drinking his double mint tea
Doesn't want anybody to feel ignored or underappreciated
But really need to have a break
Viva Vova
God bless Russia xxx and that includes uki-land xxx

What do you all think happens after we die? Nothing, or something?

sosappy4’s Profile PhotoViciOus ElbOw
Nothing . . . . . stops happening
But for the dead one . . . . no more blinking, no more thinking . . . / still life
What a coincidence , this (unusual version) was waiting; and below that, the more usual . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2W49c82ZRUigotamatch’s Video 174059117690 n2W49c82ZRUigotamatch’s Video 174059117690 n2W49c82ZRU
& the regular, org. (NICE VID)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdFPwtbiIuwigotamatch’s Video 174059117690 RdFPwtbiIuwigotamatch’s Video 174059117690 RdFPwtbiIuw

What do we all think of the band Nirvana?

sosappy4’s Profile PhotoViciOus ElbOw
I'm sure 'all' think lots of different things , or nothing at all .
Probably most nothing at all.
As a band they became extinct in 1994 ; although I'm told a couple of previously unreleased (live) albums went on the market in the following 2 years.
I have zero interest, as a band. But I regret the tragedies . . .
" Courtney Love's Women" is an on going radio show . . .
~ it seems . . .

Истинное предназначение Дьявола... Почему Бог не уничтожает его и позволяет "губить" души?

Что касается нас, Homo Sapiens. . . .
Сатана создан и поддерживается;
Нашим умышленным упадком от нашего законного наследия, Христом.
(re-translation / повторный перевод)
Что касается нас, Homo Sapiens. . . .
Сатана создан и поддерживается;
Из-за нашего сознательного отказа от нашего законного наследия, от Христа.

В чём смысл жизни хомяка?

MentalDisease’s Profile PhotoСова
«Хомяк» (на английском языке) означает «хранить», «тот, кто хранит».
Для дальнейшего значения; ткни пальцем вдруг в его гнездо, когда он крепко спит. . . . .

Do you have any plans for upcoming summer?

milamson’s Profile PhotoAnna Vetrova
Aaaaaaah. . . . . it's My Viki has all the wild & wonderful plans . . ./
But, for me it's just all such a MYSTERY ~ to me
So all I can do , is be . . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JefjmSB27fwigotamatch’s Video 174037809786 JefjmSB27fwigotamatch’s Video 174037809786 JefjmSB27fw
sadly , the closest I can find on RUTUBE (and I tried so hard ~
~ it's well worth a click (get the headphones on, a biggest screen !

If there is a god above do you think he has a plan for each individual on this planet?

You create your own Heaven , OR you create your own Hell . .
All simple choice . . . .
But , in the interim, we all return to from whence we came . . . .
Like a river
We must learn just who we are .

Be not deceived . . . . . things may not be as they seem !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeg-qMjFUs4igotamatch’s Video 174031984506 yeg-qMjFUs4igotamatch’s Video 174031984506 yeg-qMjFUs4


Language: English