

Ask @isaAljawder

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What is your favorite clothing store?

I think McQueen is amazing, but I don't shop from there since I probably won't wear any of it. So I'd probably say Topman?

On the surface you seem like a really douchy person, but deep down I know you've got good intentions. Why do you insist on keeping the mean persona? Do you think it protects you? Please don't think I'm harassing you. It's a legit question.

It's okay, I'm not offended. And no, it's not a persona. Im sure that if I came off as mean then it is probably because I've faught with you or something. And also, to the protection part of the question, we all only show our soft side to our close ones right? No one wants to be underestimated and used for their kindness. You were right when you said I have good intentions though.

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If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

GIRAFFES! I've loved giraffes ever since I was a kid, I'd draw them all the time :')

How many teeth do you have?

I don't count everyday but the average number I guess, although for some reason one of them needs to be removed because there's one on top but yeah that is all.

What was wrong with the Femen protest?

A Tunisian woman posted a topless picture of herself on their site (I think) saying it was her body and her right. She was threatened with stoning, and so Femen decided to protest topless for 'oppressed' Muslim women saying things like "Fuck your MORALS" to all Muslim people, thinking that all Muslim women are oppressed creatures. On top of that, they protested nude in mosques and in front of them, gave the middle finger, and burned a flag that I think had the word Allah on it. I support feminism, but not with these desperate and vulgar measures.

Recommend making an ask.fm. Account ?

Sure. At first I was nervous because I was afraid of the hate messages I would be getting, but I only got a few and I simply ignored and deleted them! Go right ahead :)

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Enter my name in the lottery and get my 1 million :') Then I'm off to New York!

What was your biggest deed?

I don't think I've done anything notable, if I did I'd instantly remember and have no problems answering this question.

City or countryside? What do you prefer?

I prefer the city, I am a very lively person and as much as I like the countryside I'd definitely ditch the place and go find myself an apartment in the city!

If you were to write a book what would it be about?

Struggle, ambition, those "what if..." situations. I'd write tons of books because with my life as an inspiration, I'd never run out of ink.

Do you tolerate heat or cold better?

Cold, much MUCH better than heat, too. I can't stand heat, and I love the cold. This is why Winter is my favorite season.

How many hours a day do you listen to music?

A lot, but not a lot. Like probably around half the time I'm awake.

Which school and grade is wasan in :D?

If you're asking this you obviously don't even know her, so how about you ask her yourself -.-


Language: English