

Ask @isaAljawder

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Ah, one of Sabba's awesome questions. For #1, yes, I have seen that trend and I am against it. I hate how vacant people seem nowadays. As for #2, giraffes FTW!

i have a feeling you dislike me

Right now I don't dislike or hate anyone, I'm sick of having to walk around thinking "oh, I gotta hate him, him, and her, oh and her too." Do you think you can tell me who you are? If not, I would understand but if I knew I can tell you (privately of course) what really is going on.

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You know i'm the one who posted that tattoo thing and that "guy" thing right? It's the same person. We get along and everything, but not that much in real life.

Why don't we get along in real life? You seem to know what I like and what I'd want to know, is it me or is it you?

get a tattoo that says "Life Imitates Art" - Lana Del Rey

Of course, how can I forget! This is perfect, if I do ever get a tattoo it's probably going to be that. Thanks :)

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

I'd like to get a tattoo in Japanese calligraphy that says 'Art' or 'We Are Art'. Not sure where though..at first I was thinking maybe my head (basically the back of my neck), and now it might be somewhere on my arms.

If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?

I'd go on Oprah, and I would talk about overcoming major obstacles in order to move forward in life.

Okay i'm here to share something with you that'll probably make you happy (or not watevs). Ok so there's this guy in BHR who like basically wants to be you and it's gross. he can't be you. he's doing a bad job at it with his nasty ass studs. thought I'd tell you.

It's not making me happy or angry, but I'm REALLY interested as to who this guy is. Thank you for telling me, and I'd appreciate it if you tell me who (won't publish). Your call, thanks again!

What song defines your childhood?

The Happy Birthday song they used to play on a cassette player at our birthday parties (me and my cousins <3).

If you were granted an autograph from anyone, who would it be?

Lana Del Rey <3 Something about her is just so iconic, it's like every breath she makes is a statement.

What single piece of technology makes your life easier?

If I had an iPhone/Samsung I'd say that, but I own a BB so Hell NO. The answer is my laptop.
Liked by: Trok 

Is there someone that knows everything about u?

No. I mean, with my close friends I share a lot of things but A LOT is kept to myself. It's more like the other way around actually. I know a lot more than people think I do, but all I do is tell some of it to my close friends.


My quest is to prove all my enemies wrong, and make it somewhere in the world (New York preferably). And my favorite color has to be red: the color of power, love/hate, and my personality.
Liked by: .

What do you dream about?

Everything. Most of my dreams are so realistic to the extent where I wake up asking myself if that ever really happened.

You are a big bag of shit.

Oh, you poor baby. Make sure Mommy changes your dirty diapers and reads you that bedtime story of how superior I am to you.

How are you "getting the fun"?

By asking a new bus driver to stop the bus so I can go running with my friend to get 4 ice cream cones for my other friends and run back across Juffair in front of everyone!

Have you ever liked a girl in school or anywhere else ?

Believe it or not once only in grade 7 in England, that was almost 4 years ago :')


Language: English