

Ask @isaAljawder

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Do you remember your first day at school?

Yes, my Dad tricked me into saying he was gonna come back 5 mins. later because I was bawling my eyes out.

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What do you prefer: walking or riding a bike?

Walking, as it helps relieve stress much easier. Besides, riding a bike is such a drag :P

But gay marriage is haram :) so don't u think the ppl who get married to the same gender are going to hell? I think so

In our religion, yeah it is. But just because we're entitled to our opinion doesn't mean others aren't you know. This is what I think though: haram =/= hate.

What is your favorite part of the day?

School days: coming back home to awesome food & sleep. Weekends: waking up as late as I want.

What r Ur Thoughts On Gay Marriage

If you are comfortable with yourself and so is your partner and you're not living in a conceited, judging part of the world then go for it. It's your life, your choices, and your future. I don't judge or hate on people based on their sexual orientation, gender, or race. I think everyone should have the freedom to choose what they want to do with their lives, because in the end I believe that we're all getting judged by one God, one Allah. Like I mentioned, those are my personal views of course but I don't want to be mistaken for a judgmental freak :3

What is your favorite childhood memory?

I have so many, it's almost impossible to pick just one :') But I'd say all the sleepovers and the pool parties we had as children were the best and most memorable with my cousins. Family memories are never ending, though.

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

A time machine, I want to be able to change some past mistakes. Learning from them is not enough.

When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

Normally I'd go to the comfort of my friends or family, but recently I've given up on that. It's not that they did anything wrong to me, because they didn't, I still love them all. I just need some space, I want some privacy, that's all.

What sin are you most familiar with?

Lying, I guess. But I don't lie those close to me, I lie to those who don't deserve to know the truth.

What's one thing you've always hoped to do "one day"?

Slap whoever annoys me and get away with it. But sadly, no one can do that.

What makes someone attractive?

I'm not going all cheesy and saying that looks don't matter, because they do. Looks AND personality matter for me, because I'm not dating a person that has a cute personality but looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein.

Do you prefer to call or text?

It depends on the situation, but normally I like calling. I can't be bothered with texting!
Liked by: HUSAM


Language: English