

Ask @isaAljawder

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If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

Where do I begin? How about some Mac..or maybe pizza. Spaghetti would be awesome, same goes for pasta & noodles. I'd also like some sausages on a grill, maybe some chicken to go with that too. The list is seriously never ending.

where would you go if u want to calm ur mind?

My Mother. Even if her advice doesn't exactly help resolve a pinch of a situation I'm in, it always feels good talking to her about it as I feel safe. Knowing that I've got her to support my fall, it's like my enemies can see me but they can't touch me.

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Be more specific

About what? My last answer? I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain or post names, because I know if I do (even with no intention of offending or starting shit with someone) people will still say I'm causing drama. You know it's you.

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

I have all the answers I need. I have a couple of people in mind to ask, but they've proved what they're worth and their lack of confidence and honesty. If I was still blind like back then, I'd probably just ask "Why?".

On a scale of 1-10 how honest are you?

10. When I have something to say, I say it instead of holding back and suddenly exploding. Though sometimes I sound harsh, the 'harsh' opinions/thoughts are kept to myself unless I think the person can handle it.

also; if you consider your so called honesty is purely advice that u give to others then consider me giving u honest advice :)

LOL please, my honesty has been praised and is admired by people. I'm not saying everyone, but in case you haven't noticed: people call me mean, but at the same time honest, loyal, and nice. And this isn't honest advice sweetheart, this is someone who feels threatened/offended by me and can't seem to tell me to my face. I'm sure when we're all BACK to school, we'll have plenty of opportunities to discuss this among ourselves.

i'm not the type to hate but someone HAS to tell you this. you're god damn rude. it's gotten to the point where its not funny or "for our own good"; if u wonder why u dont have any friends it's bcos you don't know how to be nice like??? nd u better not say "bitches be hatin" or "i was born this way"

It's funny, I can only think of one person who keeps telling me I sound rude. And FYI, I do have friends but I only lost my closest ones for purposes I'm guessing you already DO know about ;) I am very nice, and my you're mistaking my confidence for arrogance. Try to come up with a better complaint since that's all you seem to be good at doing.

Where is the scarcest place you have ever traveled to?

I haven't exactly been to a 'scarce' place, unless Bahrain counts :')

Think about it

Don't worry, will do. Funny, I actually have a certain situation in mind that makes me think of 'closure'.

it was a simple statement about closure

Oh THAT, I'm sorry! I though you were asking the ones I ignored. No, I actually did reply to that question. Check my profile, it's there.
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I could write an essay to this question and still feel like I missed out on some things. To sum it up though, I think to have a good life you need close, trustworthy, loyal friends. You also need motivation, family, and a place to run back to. I miss out on one of these and it's the 'friends' part.

اللهم اني اسالك بعدد من سجد لك ,,,في حرمك المكرم,,, يوم خلقك الدنيا الى يوم القيامه ,,,ان تحقق لي امنياتي ,,,اللهم بشرني بالخير,,, وبشرني بالفرح ,,,كما بشرت زكريا ب يحيى ,,, ياحي ياقيوم اسالك بحاجه في داخل قلبي وانت ادرى بها ’’ يارب لاتحرمني,,, قولوا امين للجميع يا رب..

:) امين


Language: English