

Ask @isaAljawder

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What three things do you think of most each day?

Senior year, college, and how I'm gonna have fun for the rest of my summer.

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

God knows, it really depends on the situation. It can be one deep conversation or take months to form that relationship.

If you where a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

LMFAOOOO I'd probably be the Evil Queen in Snow White who rules over that kingdom because I'm that vain and egotistical.

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

I'd want to die alongside a loved one, but I don't want them to die. I want my biggest and worst enemy next to me, so they can die with me with some final showdown moments too =))

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

My phone with service and endless charge + a nice beach house with all the necessities, talk about the perfect summer vacation.

U actually searched them?? Shame on u babe. Shame on u Okay ga ga oo la la Ra ma mamama what song?

Okay, too easy? Bad Romance by Gagz =))


Language: English